Noob questions

By KossoWanKenobi, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

G'day all,

New to the game and one question keeps plaguing me, can't seem to find the answer. Was hoping someone here would oblige. I picked up the Core Set and am looking to expand my deck-buildability.

In the chapter packs - it's 20 unique cards and 40 in total. You get multiples of some. From a collection-building perspective how do you know which ones you will receive multiples of? The word of the web insofar as card manifests ( ) seems to be lacking in this respect.

What I'd like to do is get a manifest of cards and use it to focus buying in an efficient fashion. Once again the link above seems to be lacking as you can't get full card lists that are sortable/filterable, etc. The spreadsheet on the site also doesn't have the LCG lists (unless I missed it). Is the Raven app in that site any good?

Any advice appreciated.

Welcome to the game!

I haven't seen an up-to-date list like the one you described (sortable, filterable, etc.). I'd love to have one as well.

For the six chapter packs that were part of the Clash of Arms cycle, the singletons are the cards from 1-10, 21-30, 41-50,61-70,81-90, and 101-110. (In other words, the first 10 cards in each pack were singletons, and the rest were triplets.)

For the Time of Ravens cycle, there's no simple numbering scheme, and I haven't seen a published list of singletons vs. triplets. But over at the BoardGameGeek, you can see images of all the cards in several of the chapter packs, on which somebody has superimposed the number of cards in each pack:

You can also find a few other helpful tidbits in a discussion thread from a couple months back:

buy one copy of each and then you will know and can decide to buy multiples gran_risa.gif

Ya, these shots are win - thanks for the tip. Re-linking for other noobs and my own reference. I'm shocked a comprehensive list hasn't been stickied in these forums...

A Clash of Arms

The War of Five Kings

Ancient Enemies

Sacred Bonds

Epic Battles

The Battle of Ruby Ford

Calling the Banners T

Clash of Arms Promo T

A Time of Ravens

A Song of Summer

The Winds of Winter

A Change of Seasons

The Raven's Song T

Refugees of War T

Scattered Armies

5 Kings Edition was the last base set for the CCG and doesn't fall into the LCG, correct?

You are correct ser (would have just said correct, but stupid forum won't let is too small will robinson)

Lars said:

post is too small will robinson

someone has been watching Lost in Space lately, heh happy.gif