By CptVendrigoth, in Black Crusade

I'm jazzed about the Tome of Excess, but I'm in a bit of a pickle.

I work and live primarily overseas, and half the time of both have no internet acess. How long will I have to wait until I can find the product on PDF from places like RPGnow or DrivethruRPG?

Id say roughly 2 weeks

Whew, just in time then. Thanks!

Just so you know, FFG, that the sooner you release the PDF of the Tome of Excess , the sooner you'll get even more of my money. ^_^

My wallet has been waiting for the release of the pdf, as it seems you can't get a hard copy in the UK in any reasonable amount of time.

Well, feel free to open your wallet now, as I have my PDF copy on my iPad with the rest of my chaotic bounty ^_^

Is there a way i could get a free copy of the core rulebook i got a hard copy but want a digital copy cause im spliting gm with a friend and need to look up rules for when he has the book?

Is there a way i could get a free copy of the core rulebook i got a hard copy but want a digital copy cause im spliting gm with a friend and need to look up rules for when he has the book?

Free, no.

You can however purchase the PDF version.

ok thank you