People keep asking this, but…

By Chibikonatsu, in Elder Sign: Omens

…I've yet to see any official answer here. Are there plans to make this game available on non-handheld platforms? I /love/ Elder Sign. It's an amazing game and I played it a lot with my friends back in the day. But then I moved out-of-state, and now I don't have anyone to play it with. I would love to be able to play it solitaire but all I own is a laptop and I have no plans for smartphone-ownage any time in the near future, on account of what we'll call 'mildly extreme poverty.'

I can't be the only person in this market position here. Is it a matter of porting the game over being harder than it looks? Seriously, I'd love to know what the deal is, because the /instant/ it's available for my PC, I'm buying. No foolin'.

Actually if you go on STEAM and look under the "Greenlight" you'll see Elder Sign as being voted on and a lot of disscussion occuring. So I think you'll see it released on PC via STEAM in about a year I would think.

The key point to remember is the FFG does not have a strength in digital development. Its expensive and as the president has remarked, they often have to sell the products lower than what they are worth. ES:O even with all the paid expansions is what like $12 and the paper version is $25-30. SO while everyone is clamoring for a digital version of X, I think you won't see very many releases.

Well shoot my monkey. Thanks for the reply.