Hi there,
I`ve got a question in scope of the use of Power Cards with the timing "Play at the start of a Willpower/Cunning battle." The abilitiy text says "Your Willpower/Cunning value is doubled until the end of the battle."
Until here everything is nearly clear for me…
But I would like to know, if these Power Cards mean, that I play the card at the start of the battle (in fact at Battlestep 1. oder before Battlestep 1.)? Because the "Timing Language" on page 19 in the rulebook says that the keyword START:
"Players must resolve abilities that use the word "start" before all other rules in the turn, phase or step to which "start" is referring."
In this line I still could play another Power Card instead of rolling the dice for a battle or rolling the dice at Battlestep 4. Or is this way of using those Power Cards named above not possible?
It would be very nice, if someone could give me a hint in this case…thx a lot…