Post title pretty much says it all. The rulebook says they cannot move diagonally around impassable terrain, and then specifically mentions enemy units and squares without a dot. Friendly infantry aren't either of those, but walkers also can't go through friendly infantry. So are they allowed to go diagonally around them?
Can walkers move diagonally around friendly infantry?
We have always played that they cannot move diagonally through friendly squads. Since they cannot pass through a friendly squad we used the logic that since they can't move diagonally through terrian squares since they would "hit" it, the same would apply to squads. However, I do not have a rule book handy to confirm it.
That's just the way I always played it as well, but felkor is right: The rules don't actually mention this situation.
Got an email from Zach:
Hi James,
Rule Question:
Hi there!
A walker cannot move diagonally around impassable terrain - the rules mention enemy units and squares without a dot as this kind of terrain. What about friendly infantry? Walkers cannot move through friendly i nfantry, can they move diagonally around them?

Hopefully this marks the last stupid ruling of the FFG Dust era. I'm amazed how Zach can simply give the answer without acknowledging the contradiction to the question as posed.
It just doesn't work:
- Walkers can't move diagonally around impassable terrain.
- Firendly soldiers are impassable terrain for walkers.
- Do the math. X-Y=0 => Z=Y => X-Z=1 ???
Well, Olivier Zamifrescu has stepped in on the Facebook thread to stop the madness:
" No this move is not possible for a vehicle. Consider that both squares must be "clear" for the walker to make this move. In this case, it would crush its friends."
In short: Nope.
Well I guess now we know where Zach gets his rules answers from… and it ain't from the authors of the rules.
Yeah, quite a wonderful system FFG had set in place. No wonder we've had rules flip-flopping every other month.
Oh, well. Just 10 more days.
A nother question about diagonally movement of a walker: On page 21 rulebook of the rvc, they give an example how the hotdog may jump over the anti-tank trap. But when he can land on the 2 red squares wich are adjacent to the terrain square, then he's jumping diagonally?
Yeah, diagonal jumps, or even, in the case of jump infantry with Move 2, jumping around corner, is fine. Jump just means you can jump over infantry, tank traps, etc. In fact, an Allied walker (with Jump ability) actually *can* "cut corners" with infantry, because they can just jump over them.
Oke, but then does that also mean you can't walk diagonally a tile without a dot, but that you can jump it even when the anti-tank trap isn't there?
So i'm reading the rules right… tell me when i'm understanding wrong…. but are they saying that you cannot enter in any way a square without a dot, you also may not jump over it in a straight line, but You MAY jump it in a diagonally line……in that case the allies have a nice advantage
No. For a vehicle, Jump only ignores troops, tank traps and water. Terrain, structures and vehicles still block your way, so you can't jump diagonally cutting their corner.
yes I understand Loophole, but when i try to explain the rule to myself (in dutch), i get the feeling that the rule is in contradiction whit its selves. I can't explain it really in englisch…….. oh well, maybe another language/interpretation error of mine. If you guys telling me that rule on page 21 of the rcs rulebook is oke, i'll let it rest en take it as it is.