1) I'm planning on having my Kill-Team stranded on a near-desolate planet with no reinforcements and no resupply available. My question is about Narthecium that the Apothecaries start out with. Does it have "doses"? How many times should an Apothecary be able to adminster it before it "depletes"? Is it somehow self-replenishing?
2) Is there a penalty for shooting targets while in, "Overwatch"? -20 BS, correct? I just don't see it under the "Combat" section, but I do see it being referenced to under "Squad Abilities." Also, what sort of conditions are the players allowed to set for Overwatch? Just how vague or how specific do they have to be?
3) Using the skill, "Awareness" as an example: Deathwatch players already start with this ability (Trained, in fact), but it's "Basic" ability can be purchased for 200xp. How can you purchase a "basic" skill in something you already have "trained"? Is this more-so for characters from other RPG's looking to upgrade their character to a Deathwatch Space Marine? This is what I am assuming, but want to be 100% sure.
4) Stalker Rounds say, "…(however, depending on the situation, the appropriate Opposed Skill Test may be required for the firer himself to remain hidden)." Say I have a Marine using a Sniper Rifle with an attached Silencer. I can't find anything in regards to how it would work if he wants to attempt to remain hidden for as long as possible and how the enemies would locate him (say he were firing from a Medium or Long range).
Thanks in advance!