Frozen Time and Infernal Obsession

By Spongekathotpants, in CoC Rules Discussion

So tonight I played Frozen Time on Infernal Obsession after it stole my Tunnel Lurker.

Frozen Time

2 Cost Yog-Sothoth Support.

Polar. Attachment.

Loyal .

Attach to a card.

Treat attached card as if it's text box was blank.

*Infernal Obsession

3 Cost Hastur Support.

Madness. Attachment.

Attach to a non- Ancient One character.

While attached, you gain control of

attached character. (If control changes

again, discard infernal Obsession from play.)

My question is, after playing FT on IO would I regain control of my TL?

We suspect no but were unsure. Any input as usual would be greatly appreciated!

This is a good question. I think the FAQ only covers when attachments leave play, not blanked (could be wrong). We do know that when attachments leave play control reverts to the owner. Would the same logic apply to blanking?

badash56 said:

This is a good question. I think the FAQ only covers when attachments leave play, not blanked (could be wrong).

That's also the only thing I found.

If an attached card gives you control
of another player’s card, you retain
control of the attached card only as
long as the attached card is in play.

badash56 said:

We do know that when attachments leave play control reverts to the owner. Would the same logic apply to blanking?

I think so. A player gains control over a character via Infernal Obsession's passive. If that passive is blanked, control should go back again, because the ongoing passive effect is the thing that keeps the character under control of the other player. (I guess we all agree that e.g. icons given by the Lightning Gun would vanish if its text box were blanked. Why should it be different for passives that deal with control?)

I'll be interested in the answer too … when I propsed this question in a game, the ruling was made that the oposing player retained control when Frozen Time blanked Infernal Obsession

Hi guys, I got a reply from Damon:

Q: W hat happens if 'Frozen Time' is attached to 'Infernal Obsession'? Does control revert to the owner?

A: Yes. Infernal Obsession's passive ability is the only thing that gives control of the attached card. Anything that blanks that card text or removes the attachment would cause the character revert back to it's owner.

I still have a doubt with these cards: when FT is attached to IO and te character is returned to his owner, that discards IO from play or stays in game?

My first thought is IO stays in game because the blanking also affects the effect of discard from play IO when the character changes control again.

Loprw said:

My first thought is IO stays in game because the blanking also affects the effect of discard from play IO when the character changes control again.

Loprw said:

I still have a doubt with these cards: when FT is attached to IO and te character is returned to his owner, that discards IO from play or stays in game? My first thought is IO stays in game because the blanking also affects the effect of discard from play IO when the character changes control again.

The "If control changes again, discard infernal Obsession from play." part of the card is also blanked by Frozen Time, so it doesn't trigger as long as it stays blanked.

Very glad to get an official answer! I could have seen it going either way but now we can move on. Thank you everyone!