Proof of Purchase Seals

By bsmith13, in X-Wing

Hey FFG,

I would like to know if you have any plans for all the little Proof Of Purchase Seals I've been harvesting from my X-Wing stuff. Is a redemption offer in our future?

i could be wrong but i think they are used for proof if anything you purchased needs a replacement such as a broken model

I was expecting I'd be asked to provide it when I asked for a replacement for a broken peg I had, but nope. They just sent out two pegs no questions asked (which was handy, I only needed one so I now have a spare)

DingusFett said:

I was expecting I'd be asked to provide it when I asked for a replacement for a broken peg I had, but nope. They just sent out two pegs no questions asked (which was handy, I only needed one so I now have a spare)

Now your one peg short on your spare set!

I have been asked to provide the number from a FFG proof of purchase seal for another game when requesting a replacement component, I don't think that they get too uptight about it though - it's not like you're going to make millions of two replacement pegs!