any gameplay footage?

By mnBroncos, in Battles of Westeros

I am really interested in getting this game, however, there are very few videos on youtube and none on actual gameplay to see if it looks fun, because written reviews doesn't have as big of an impact on me. So curious is there like some random site that has gameplay footage of these game online?

Honestly, I feel it's really hard to capture any board game in a video. You can cut and edit a good how to video, but trying to capture the critical thinking and tense moments is kind of hard in video format. For battle reports, a good place to start is BGG, where a few regulars post some great battle reports with pictures. Here is the latest:

thanks for the replay (: i want to get the game badly but worried would sit on shelve because wouldn't have someone to play with enough

I used many a video for A GOT the Board Game. And it was very helpful.

Would love to see some videos specific to these rules, but I did view some 'BattleLore' games that play somewhat close to this game.

This video goes over a couple things related to Westeros but not completely.

In the meantime, I might make my own video for this game in the near future.

The following video is pretty nice:

Is doesn't explain the game, but it gives some good impressions of a session and it's very well done.

Oh, and yes, it's about BattleLore, too, but BattleLore is close related to Battles of Westeros.

Edited by Graf