more season in Fire and Ice

By Ruvion, in 1. AGoT General Discussion


the card does say it must contain the word "Summer" or "Winter"... so I would assume a card like Shireen Baratheon would not count since the "summer" in the flavor text isn't capitalized. So unless the flavor text starts with Summer or Winter, it's pretty unlikely. I haven't seen any artists with Summer or Winter for names either, so I guess we are good there. So basically the only non-seasonal cards you can get are:

Shores of the Summer Sea (AToTT)

Summer (LoW)

Summer Sea (Core, PotS, QoD)

Summer Sea Corsair (RotK)

Winter Cache (WotN)

Doesn't seem that game breaking, and I doubt if you are running that event any of these are really worth blowing the event for.

and since we can assume that ffg new that this small list existed and did not mind you being able to look for these few itmes outside of the other seasonal effects i would think this post has been a none issue.

macd you examples has nothing to do with polish of cards but to do with over complex rules. We agree the rules are hard to learn. Plust for ever one post on BGG saying bad things about AGoT you can find 50 ones saying good things. TAke a look here: or the 3029 people who have rated the game giving it a 7.9/10 rating which is decent.