You've got at least one guaranteed customer. My wife loves this game, and I'll grab any chance to keep on playing…
Dear FFG, please pick up the expansions!
I agree. Immediately fell for this game out of the box. We played it all day on Christmas after opening. Usually, we play a game twice and move on. Not this time. Went through all five legends but couldn't get past legend five after two attempts. We were toast after that. Love the fact that we can make our own legend with the provided blank legend cards. Brilliant concept.
Fantastic game. Awful support by FFG.
I look jealously at the English language Spielbox magazine where they review and highlight the Legends of Andor expansions.
Come on FFG. Don't let us down...
2 Cents . Looks like other distributors have a new big box expansion. . . looks nice.
Part II with the oceans looks awesome. My 10 year old is obsessed with making new content for this....i would buy expansions too
Not likely to happy anymore since it was announced another company is publishing this in English along with all the expansions. I guess FFG didn't see any profit potential in the game. Kind of sad since this is one of those hidden gems that is better than most games out there.
Not likely to happy anymore since it was announced another company is publishing this in English along with all the expansions. I guess FFG didn't see any profit potential in the game. Kind of sad since this is one of those hidden gems that is better than most games out there.
What company? I NEED to know!
Not likely to happy anymore since it was announced another company is publishing this in English along with all the expansions. I guess FFG didn't see any profit potential in the game. Kind of sad since this is one of those hidden gems that is better than most games out there.
What company? I NEED to know!
I neeeed to know !!!!!
Awful support by FFG !
Not likely to happy anymore since it was announced another company is publishing this in English along with all the expansions. I guess FFG didn't see any profit potential in the game. Kind of sad since this is one of those hidden gems that is better than most games out there.
What company? I NEED to know!
I neeeed to know !!!!!
Awful support by FFG !
Kosmos Games is going to release the game and all of its expansions in English.
Here's a link to the BGG listing for Andor.
You can see that the base game in the picture now has kosmos Label on it. They are releasing it around November 2015 along with the expansions New Heroes and Star shield. They will eventually translate all the expansions over to English.
Hope that helps.
Hi guys,
First off, I am new here and some of the stuff said about Fantasy Flight Games is either ridiculous or borders on meanspirited. In my opinion, Fantasy Flight Games has some of the best games available, and my local retailer (and this is a plug, I hope you'll excuse it, Nan's Games and Comics, Too ) has a whole section specifically devoted to FFG, (To be fair, they have sections for other products, but they are much, much smaller). When I was looking for Legends of Andor , the salesman knew immediately where FFGs section was and took me there to look to see if it was in stock. (It wasn't, though; I had to visit another local gaming shop).
I had no clue about the Andor Expansions until I ran across someone that had "Pre-Sale" English copies on eBay. If you know eBay, well... some sellers can be a little "overzealous." I'd rather not send an eBay Seller money for a "Pre-Sale" item that may or may not be printed. I'm not a "pre-sale" kinda guy anyway.
Since FFG is seriously reputable, I'd like them to make what the eBay guy was listing as two English Expansions. I don't speak German nor French, and can sorta read Spanish, and it seems "Kosmos" is a German Company. Not knocking Germany itself. Just my two cents.
Is there a possibility that FFG will release even a small handful or English Andor Expansions perhaps "for sale only" through this website? Thank you in advance.
No possibility at all, since Legends of Andor is now in the hands of another publisher: . On a positive note, the expansions published by Thames and Kosmos should be fully compatible with the FFG Core game.
For the record MMTobin Kosmos has translated MANY games from German to English and done a fantastic job with it unlike the translation that FFG did for Andor which has numerous issues. There is also absolutely zero chance FFG will publish any expansions for Andor since Kosmos is going to do them all and already has two done. FFG certainly has put out many good top quality games but they do drop the ball on some and this is one of them. However on the up side anyone that has a FFG version isn't SOL as the Kosmos expansions have already been confirmed to be 100% compatible. The major difference in the main game printings will be the better translated rules book in the Kosmos edition.