New Player, looking to foster local group in Phoenix, AZ

By kolixela, in Warhammer Invasion Community

So I'm looking to start up a Warhammer group out in Phoenix, Arizona. I will be talking with the owner at Imperial Outpost about it since he's already listed with FFG for some of the other LCG's.

What I am looking for is a deck list for each army that can be built with a standard collection (2 core sets, 2 Assault, one of each other deluxe) or with a full set (core 3 assault 3, all expansions, all battle packs) that is a good balanced set of decks for demoing purposes.

I don't want any overly complicated or janky combos, no infinite comboes; just something that shows off the core playstyle of each clan and is fairly good for new players to learn with.

If you have any suggestions please let me know, a link to with decklists would be awesome as well.

