Patrol Adventure Card

By The_Warlock, in Talisman Rules Questions

A: If a Character draws the Patrol Adventure Card he's moved back to his starting space. Does his turn end immediately or can/must he continue the turn on the starting space?

As per the turn sequence, I'd say continue. Also, are there any "teleports" that end your turn immediately, instead of encounter in the new space?

I say that if you draw patrol, then you are going to your starting space and must encounter that space.

It's the same as teleports. If you draw the imp, then you teleport to the space where you must go to and you encounter that space.

Otherwise you get actually 2 turns gui%C3%B1o.gif

It looks simple to me..

Dam said:

As per the turn sequence, I'd say continue. Also, are there any "teleports" that end your turn immediately, instead of encounter in the new space?

Yes, the Encounter Sequence clarifies everything. I should have a look at it more often than I do.

Yes you do encounter the space (see page 9, the Dwarf example at the bottom of the page).
