Blackwater scenarios

By Saramund, in Battles of Westeros

I cannot understand why buildings are burned down in scenario A and come back up in scenatrio B and C. not to mention the Catapults missing after scenario A. Is there any printing error in my version (italian)? and what about the postern gate? Why lannister should throw it away before the end? they can use it anyway and avoid Baratheon use it. Again, maybe my translation is not clear enough? thank you

It states that whatever was placed on the board in the first scenario remains, unless it specifically tells you to remove it.

indeed, everything that was on the board and ist destroyed(by removing is) stays on its place. Even the units(so if you sacrifice a lot of units to win 1 scenario, you wil have less units in the next scenario)

so the trebuchets(catapults) stay in place, it is not the postern gate that is removed at the end of stage B but the main gate utterwise the only way to let the Baratheon forces enter the city would be the postern gate in stage C or with luck have the wildfire spread back to the city and burn up the gate

but then you still can't enter because of the wildfire