So Icarus is here and those upgrades raise the following question: By having 2 medics, can I take 2 separate heal actions? The same goes for the mechanichs. If it´s or it´s not like that, why?
Doubts about Mr Fixit and Medic! Medic!
jkrax said:
So Icarus is here and those upgrades raise the following question: By having 2 medics, can I take 2 separate heal actions? The same goes for the mechanichs. If it´s or it´s not like that, why?
2 Medics just gives you an extra body with the medic ability. you can always take the 2 medic actions, same goes for mechanic and other special(not move or shoot) actions. The why is essentialy b/c thats the latest ruling from FFG. This is a responce from Zach on the subject.
Rule Question:
I've been seeing a lot of conflicting information regarding special skill use (Medic, Repair, pinpoint spot) recently. Especially:
-The number of times you can activate the special skill (with one medic/mechanic and with two) can I do a Heal + Heal action?
It recently came to my attention that the FAQ entry for double actions was incorrect. The FAQ has been updated to address this, and the entry now reads as follows:
Can a unit take the same action twice, instead of taking a double action?
“Yes, but only if a unit performs two special actions (such as a Heal or a Repair action). A unit cannot perform two consecutive Move actions. Instead, a unit may perform a March Move as a double action. A unit cannot perform two consecutive Attack actions. Instead, a unit may perform a Sustained Attack as a double action.”
-If there are 2 Medics/Mechanics do you get 2 heals/repairs from the action and/or get target 2 units?
If there are one or more medics in a unit, that unit may perform a special Heal action on a friendly unit. It cannot target two different units with a single Heal action. However, if the unit performs two Heal actions in the Unit phase, it may target a different unit with each Heal action.
If there are one or more mechanics in a unit, that unit may perform a special Repair action on a friendly unit. It cannot target two different units with a single Repair action. However, if the unit performs two Repair actions in the Unit phase, it may target a different unit with each Repair action.
-Can a unit with Pinpoint observation do a Spot + Spot Action?
Can you please clarify on units with 2 medics in general as well if you feel there is anything worth mentioning?
Adding a second medic improves the squad's resilience by increasing the amount of damage it can suffer before being eliminated. It also allows the squad to continue performing Heal actions if one of the medics is eliminated. Less obviously, a unit with two medics can be arranged so that each medic is at an opposite edge of its Unit Leader's Leadership range. In this way, performing two Heal actions in the Unit phase will allow a unit with two medics to benefit two units that are up to 24" away from each other during a single activation!
Injured Unit A <---6"---> Medic A <---6"---> Medics' Unit Leader <---6"---> Medic B <---6"---> Injured Unit B
I hope this has answered your questions. Happy gaming!
Thanks a lot! That pretty much sums it up.
Another interesting use would be to give The Hellboys a medic so it can patch other allied infantry units as it advances; or a mechanic.