The core rule book explians what happens on a fear test failure in Squad mode, but in solo mode the rules are vague at best. In the text it says the battlebrothers do not react the same way agents and allies will react to fear. So under the topic "And They Shall Know no Fear", it seams to only explain what happens in Squad mode. Do end rolling on the failure table with that the agents and allies will roll on?
Fear Test failure in Solo mode
Not sure where your disconnect with what is written is occuring.
When a thing inducing Fear is encountered:
-For the marines is Squad mode, only the Squad leader makes the check. If failed, the squad suffers cohesion damage equal to the fear rating.
-For marines in Solo mode, each individual makes the check. If failed, the marine suffers a -10 * fear rating penalty to Willpower. This penalty does not affect a Librarian's ability to manifest.
KommissarK said:
Not sure where your disconnect with what is written is occuring.
When a thing inducing Fear is encountered:
-For the marines is Squad mode, only the Squad leader makes the check. If failed, the squad suffers cohesion damage equal to the fear rating.
-For marines in Solo mode, each individual makes the check. If failed, the marine suffers a -10 * fear rating penalty to Willpower. This penalty does not affect a Librarian's ability to manifest.
In squad mode, the team automatically suffer 1 point of cohesion damage for every level of fear the enemy has. The leader may take a willpower test to prevent this damage. The cohesion damage is automatic unless the leader passes the willpower test, though, it is not a result of a failed test. Whether the leader avoids the cohesion damage or not, battle brothers in squad mode do not suffer a WP penalty for fear.
In solo mode, there is no test. No test at all. When a battle brother faces a fear causing enemy, he simply suffers -10 WP/fear level of the enemy. This is also automatic and is unavoidable unless the battle-brother is fearless or the like.
Thanks if I understand this correctly the Battlebrother makes no roll to check for fear but only suffers -10/fear rating to willpower. Makes no roll on the shock table. This would make ceriain skills harder to use, and also makes avoiding and recovering from being pinned more difficult other wise the battlebrother acts normally.
That is correct. It also makes any fear causing psykers with powers based on willpower tests extremely dangerous.
And lets not forget daemonic auras which lower WP by dint of being near them, which makes that leader WP test even harder.
Just posting up a reply to put this recent discussion back where it belongs after all the necro posting by yibbo.