Star Destroyer tabletop, done in MDF. Detailed in cardboard + other stuff. (WiP)

By DarkFather, in X-Wing

Just amazing work!!!! Your are the man!!!

Hey guys;

Another update.

The missus and I just finished the rear of the bridge and the top and spine of the neck. It's currently midnight here and the missus has to be at work at 8am, so we're finishing for the night.


We also did planning out for the tiles on the top of the bridge and got some detailing on the part between the 'ears'. Fingers crossed, tomorrow evening will bring the finish of the top, and possibly even the face of the bridge. At this point, the plan is to begin painting on Thursday/Friday (currently Tuesday Morning 12:07 am.


I'm just too stunned for words... the sheer ingeniousness with which you've put this together is mind-blowing. I can't wait to see painted pics.

This is so cool. It must have like, 1000 shields and hull.

I... I've... I've done it!!! I can't believe it?! The building stage of the Star Destroyer is finally finished. I have only moments ago attached the final piece to the Bridge. I need to stop and breathe... ;)

The Avenger - Building stage complete. Now it's off to the painting shed.


As stated in previous posts, the Bridge 'face' and top were all that was left to get done. With the last two night being used up into the weee hours, my wife and I finally completed it. It was the final piece that slowed us up last night. (I had to go to a toyshop this morning and buy a $9.99 model), but it is now done.

Completed Bridge...




I have paint ready, and a large open-but-undercover area set ready to paint. But **** those pesky Jedi... It seems they have mustered their powers and summoned a threatening looking storm to my area. While it isn't 'raining' per se right at this moment, the air is heavy with moisture. So for now, painting will have to be put on hold, at least for a few hours, possibly until tomorrow. I'll be damned if I'm going to ruin months and months of work out of sheer impatience. I can bide my time for another couple of days, before unleashing this monster on the local X-Wing community.

C&C always welcome guys.

Next pics = PAINTED!!!!



Wow. Just wow.

That is insanely awesome.

Another update... I believe, maybe the 2nd last update O.o...

And now it's Black!!





And it only took **2 cans of cheap black underspray**... TOO ALMOST WRECK IT!!!! Grrr. *Can't believe I'm going to say this bit... GW Chaos Black Spray paint, to the rescue!!*


Next update, it should be grey!


With the magic of internet time travel...

And now it's Grey!!!





I'm thinking this might be ready enough for a playtest... Hmmm.

I'm also thinking it needs detailing, and then matt lacquering. But I just wanna play on it *evil grin*.

C&C welcome.



Amazing. Just. Amazing.

Now THAT is looking really good! Have you thought about making the shield generators as actual polygons instead of rounded?

Stunning, absolutely STUNNING!

This is awesome. All of your long hours of modelling have paid off. Well done!

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Now THAT is looking really good! Have you thought about making the shield generators as actual polygons instead of rounded?

I had thought about it, but I don't have the skillz to be able to carve a foam ball into that pattern and have t look any good. I do realise that he Gens are the biggest let down on the entire build, and it is somewhat annoying... but looking past them to the other details, and the overall look... I can forgive myself for the look of the Gens.

So far I have enjoyed the 'shock and awe' look on peoples faces when seeing a 7.5 foot Star Destroyer in the 'flesh', as it were. Bundaberg is a bit of a 'out in the sticks' sort of town. So this SD is quite the thing amongst the gamers at the moment. Has already received quite a few hours of 'spot the bits' scrutinization. I'm hoping to play my first game on it against the FLGS owner on Saturday morning (Currently Friday morning as I post this).

I also have a scenario (in the works) where players can vs. the SD in a solo game.

Basic rundown of Scenario - SD is valued at X points. Player brings along equal points in Rebellion ships (or Imperial Ships *they are fighting to regain control from pirates?). SD is 'the' playing surface - to be away from it would = easier chance of being shot (think reasoning behind trench run). Player masses forces at tip of nose (or ships fly in one at a time from that point - haven't yet decided). There are 8 guns in total on the SD, they are located 4 a side, either side of the lower deck (on the hull/surface) - all fire at same distance as minis RB1 -> RB3. No matter how much guns/SD are shot at, zero damage is done. Player must get to and destroy Shield Gens, and then they must destroy 3 'target locations' on the SD (all locations and shield gens will be within range of the 8 guns on the SD (of course)). Destroy 1 Gen - you can destroy 1 'target location', to destroy all target locations = must destroy both shield gens. Guns can never be destroyed/targetted.

Destroy both Gens and all 3 locations in 6 rounds, you beat the SD and I personally will award a prize (a single small ship from whatever happens to be in stock at the time). I prize per player per success. No coming back and winning over and over and expecting a prize everytime.

The idea is to use it as a way of getting interest in x-wing up in my area. SD will also be used as a large table for 2v2 or maybe even 3v3 games at the end of a league, or tournies... (when used as a 'playing surface' for 1v1 or more, then it has no guns... It just replaces a boring mat is all).

Anyways, those are my thoughts/plans... Like I said, the scenario is still in the early development stages. But with the idea of the basics above... feel free to throw ideas for the scenario, at me. Any help would be good, and taken into consideration.

Oh, 1 last thing. I will be putting an 'addendum' of sorts at the end of the scenario rules... In ridiculously small print... If both Shield Gens are destroyed, the player may suicide an A-Wing into the centre of the bridge for an instant win vs the SD (but you forego your prize for defeating the SD if you defeat it in this fashion). LOL.


Edited by DarkFather

You know, at that size, you can find polyhedral wine bottle stoppers which would work well:


They used a similar part on the actual Star Destroyer miniature in TESB, and you can find cheap plastic ones fairly easily. I found one that was nearly identical to this in a two-pack for about $8 at Hobby Lobby once.

This model though is pretty amazing! :D

Failing that I don't think it would be hard to find a papercraft version which you could print out on card score and fold. I remember getting books of them when I was a kid and with the internet.

I don't suppose there's enough room in the superstructure to light the main bridge's windows?

... Maybe put the silhouette of a single figure standing in the window. A single figure with a cape and helmet...

Awsome job, but this solidifies to me that they will never put star destroyers in the game. At least with the present tables. Maybe a 20 by 20 or something. Super epic game mode!

All grey, and yet so many shades of awesome.

This looks awesome! Though it might be difficult to actually play on that thing with so many bumps and ridges.

Wow, i'm speechless sir!

This is beyond awesome, I'm not sure there is even words to describe this, amazing work sir.

Very impressive work. I love it. Nicely done.

Where is the bow emoicon? Like others, speechless, don't know what else to say, but WOW.

How much you selling it for? :P I guess I couldn't afford it lol.


I decided to use some artistic license here, and put the Star Destroyers name on a plaque. A Cookie to the first who gets the name right. LOL.

Hope you like. Any ideas/thoughts... Criticisms/critiques? Please feel free to voice.


Question, I am not going to win the cookie but is the name is the name of the ship yard on the SD? (I did read on that the ship is named the Avenger). That ship is so fantastic I want one!

To bad you live in Australia otherwise we would have to meet up so my wing of fighters (72 ships) could have a good home (see picture below) pic1975273_md.jpg