Not able to build demo decks in Deluxe Expansion and other problems

By TraderMI, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

I bought 2 core sets and all 6 Deluxe Expansions. I opened 3 of the expansions so far, Stark, Targaryen, and Lannister. I tried to build the "demo decks" that are on the printed material in the expansions, and wasn't able to find at least 2 cards in each expansion and core to complete the decks. "Sreets of Sisters" comes to mind. There are plenty of omissions as to where the cards are to be found as well. Normally Core Set would have the CS beside the card and LoW for Lords of Winter; the Stark expansion. Many cards did NOT have those letter designations. I had to rummage around in other expansions for the plot cards to complete the decks as well.

Are there that many mistakes in demo decks in the expansions? Should I not have been able to build the Stark demo deck (for instance) from the 2 Core Sets and the Lords of Winter expansion only? Seems logical to me.

Am I missing something here?

Obviously I am a new player, but with lots of Magic:The Sink Hole experience…. :-)

Anybody home from Fantasy Flight that can explain WHY I can't build the suggested decks in the Lords of Winter expansion having TWO Core Sets and the LoW expansion,please? Thank you.

You only need 1 core set and 1 deluxe expansion. It's only going to specify CS or LoW if there are 2 cards with same name. Catelyn, Robb etc. If the card is unique just to core or just to the deluxe there's no reason to differentiate.

Ruffler said:

Anybody home from Fantasy Flight that can explain WHY I can't build the suggested decks in the Lords of Winter expansion having TWO Core Sets and the LoW expansion,please? Thank you.

So, FFG, what have you comeup with as an explanation, please?

Not too many answers in this whole forum.

FFG isnt going to respond directly to a post on the forums.

I think maybe you are misunderstanding the idea of being able to build decks with just the Core and a House box - FFG indicates that you will be able to build a deck listed in the House expansions with just the expansion and the Core, nowhere do they indicate that you will be able to build multiple decks with these materials, i.e. you can build the Direwolf deck from the Stark box, but some of the cards needed for it may also be needed for the Dragon deck in the Targ box so you cannot build both at the same time.
Having two Core sets will allow you to build two decks; if you cannot then either you lost some cards or you were missing some cards to begin with (havent ever heard of that happening with AGoT, though occasionally with all games there are missing pieces) or see my comments about Neutral cards below.

Ruffler said:

There are plenty of omissions as to where the cards are to be found as well. Normally Core Set would have the CS beside the card and LoW for Lords of Winter; the Stark expansion. Many cards did NOT have those letter designations. I had to rummage around in other expansions for the plot cards to complete the decks as well.

Your best bet is to seperate the cards by House before building - it shouldnt be hard to find the cards you need, but dont keep them sorted based on the box they came in. Since the House expansion decks dont require using OOH cards, you can safely assume that when building a Stark deck, any cards that you cannot find in your Stark pile is a Neutral card. Perhaps all the "missing" cards are Neutral but you still have them sorted into the House that they came with in the Core, maybe you didnt even realize they are Neutral and can be used by any House. To my recollection, no deck listed in the House expansions requires a plot that didnt come in that expansion or come in the Core, so I'm not sure why you would need to "rummage around in other expansions" for plot cards.
If you tell us specifically what problem you are having, for example "I need a Lannisport Brothel for this Lanni deck and cannot find it amongst my cards" then the player base here will probably try to help you out. Since you mentioned Street of Sisters I can tell you that it is a 0-cost Neutral location, pretty sure there is only one per Core and that it was probably in the Bara deck, or possibly Targ.

Thanks for your help Skowza. It really is appreciated. I will go back to the game (I've been busy lately) and better explain the problems I had to build the "Dire Wolf" deck listed in the Stark expansion. Your explanations are very helpful.

Thanks for your time…..and effort.