Difference between First and Revised Editions

By Rince, in Elder Sign


Is there any difference other than the rulebook between the first and revised editions? Have FFG changed the wording of any of the cards or components, or the change affected only the rulebook?

I am asking because I consider myself a sort of a collector; so, I like having the best versions of games. avergonzado_triste But if only the rulebook has changed, that does not concern me much (I can always just get that online). If, however, they tampered with actual cards or other game material, I might need to pick up the revised edition (something I really hope to avoid asustado ).

As far as I've read, it's just the rules that have been revised, and you can get those online.

Yeah, so far only the rulebook was revised. Dunno if they are planning to reissue some of the errata card via Unseen Forces or not. Let's hope so :-)

Great news. Thank you both!

Rince said:

Great news. Thank you both!

Sorry, but it looks like I was wrong.

The three investigators with the revised text (which you can read in the FAQs pdf) did indeed get their text corrected. It's up to you whether that warrants purchasing another copy or not of the game (personally, I wouldn't, unless they are important to you for some reason).

Nvm, I got my games confused.

wiptag said:

Sorry, but it looks like I was wrong.

The three investigators with the revised text (which you can read in the FAQs pdf) did indeed get their text corrected. It's up to you whether that warrants purchasing another copy or not of the game (personally, I wouldn't, unless they are important to you for some reason).

It is important, but I am probably not going to buy the game again, unless even more cards have been changed. Three investigators are not the end of the world. Thanks for your answer. :)

Rince said:

wiptag said:

Sorry, but it looks like I was wrong.

The three investigators with the revised text (which you can read in the FAQs pdf) did indeed get their text corrected. It's up to you whether that warrants purchasing another copy or not of the game (personally, I wouldn't, unless they are important to you for some reason).

It is important, but I am probably not going to buy the game again, unless even more cards have been changed. Three investigators are not the end of the world. Thanks for your answer. :)

Has anyone tried to contact FFG Customer's care to have replacements of the misprinted cards? Just wondering…

Julia said:

Has anyone tried to contact FFG Customer's care to have replacements of the misprinted cards? Just wondering…

Yes, I did. Unfortunately, they do not do replacements of older parts. Ao, if you want the corrected cards, you have to buy the game again. avergonzado_triste

Rince said:

Julia said:

Has anyone tried to contact FFG Customer's care to have replacements of the misprinted cards? Just wondering…

Yes, I did. Unfortunately, they do not do replacements of older parts. Ao, if you want the corrected cards, you have to buy the game again. avergonzado_triste

Hey, this sucks. I mean, I see the reasons for the answer, but it was their fault to issue wrong things originally. No Mansions of Madness customer was said "sorry, you got the wrong Forbidden Alchemy, but you can buy a new one with the fixed tiles & rulebook", so… what's the difference?

Thanks for the feedback, though!