Springfield, Missouri Regional - May 24th-26th

By Dobbler, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

I wanted to make a post to ensure that players knew that this regional has CHANGED dates from what is listed on FFGs website.

The Regional in Springfield, Missouri will be on May 24th-26th. The Joust portion of the event will be on Saturday the 25th, and it will determine the regional champion.

Also, I am moving from a 1650 sq ft duplex to a 3600 sq ft home. And as always I will be opening it up to visiters! I will be adding two more beds to my home, so I will have a total of 6 beds for those that want to crash at my house. I also have a couch that sleeps 2, and a air mattresses for several more.

So let me know if you are wanting to come!

Ah, so we're not doing a melee like we always do?

We will still have a melee tournament on Friday with prizes from the regional kit. However, it will not count towards the regional championship.

Weird. I always liked being one of the few Regionals that mirrored GenCon and the World Championship.

Less than a month away from the Missouri regional.

I move into my new home in a few days, which means it will absolutely be available for the regional weekend!

Please let me know if you are planning on staying!

I have beds for up to 9 people in the new place! Plus a couch that sleeps 2, plus 3 inflatable mattresses.

I currently have 9 people confirmed to be staying at my my place for the Missouri regional. Which means I still have more room. And even if we run out of beds/mattresses/couches, I have multiple sleeping bags and 3600 sq ft of floor space.

I will also have food and drink for anyone staying here.

Only two weeks away!!

Dobbler said:

I have beds for up to 9 people in the new place! Plus a couch that sleeps 2, plus 3 inflatable mattresses.

I currently have 9 people confirmed to be staying at my my place for the Missouri regional. Which means I still have more room. And even if we run out of beds/mattresses/couches, I have multiple sleeping bags and 3600 sq ft of floor space.

I will also have food and drink for anyone staying here.

Only two weeks away!!

Just couch-surf up the rest of your empty beds and force them to play Thrones. What could possibly go wrong?

And thanks to a generous donation, I think we'll have some extra swag in the form of some HBO products!

Just in case anyone was wondering, per the official FFG tournament rules, if Captains Command is available this week, it will be legal for this weekends regional! If you aren't sure what cards are in there, they have been spoiled on several of the database sites already.

Cards from the following sets are legal upon their
release for the 2013 Regionals Season. In North
America, all cards are tournament legal upon that
pack’s release. Regionals competitors outside North
America should check with their TO to determine
which cards are tournament legal.

Also, one last reminder, if you are coming and need a place to stay on Friday or Saturday night, please let me know.