4 Player Scenario 2 Recap

By TatteredKing2, in Arkham Horror League

Played the scenario twice with the same investigators as the first game. The first time through we ended up waking Ithaqua because of too many gates, managed to take him down with two devoured investigators and had to use all of our clue tokens (Oh....around 30 of them). Got 21 points. Was determined to try for a couple more.

Second time through didn't start out well. We all met at the Library and gave our cash to Pete, who planned on going to the store. As he didn't have the movement to get there in one shot, he moved up to The Unnamable and was promptly sucked through a gate and delayed. Harvey stayed at the library for a while, reading ancient tomes trying to get clues and spells, while Michael went monster hunting and Vince jumped through another gate. No sooner did Pete come out and close his gate than another one opened right underneath him! This happened three times to Pete this game. Add to that, All four invenstugators got lost in time and space at least once. Ithaqua woke and we took him down again, with the aid of all of our clue tokens. Got 24 points. May try it one more time, but probably not.