Character levels..?

By En Sabah Nur2, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hey there guys and girls,

I was wondering if there is such a things as levels for the characters? I've been reading through the posts and the beginner game rulebook and can't seem to find anything. Or is it jsut tracked by the amount of Xp the characters have.


En Sabah Nur

No levels. This is a skill based game

Hey diggles,

thanks for the reply mate!

Cheers! :3

You can guess how much characters have "Leveled" by how much experaince they have gained. From reading some of the articles, a beginning character gets 100 exp to spend at the start. (not a firm number, subject to change)

But unlike some other games (D&D, d20) where you earn experaince to gain levels and money to buy better items, this is a skill based game where you improve skills and use money to buy more stuff

kinnison said:

You can guess how much characters have "Leveled" by how much experaince they have gained. From reading some of the articles, a beginning character gets 100 exp to spend at the start. (not a firm number, subject to change)

But unlike some other games (D&D, d20) where you earn experaince to gain levels and money to buy better items, this is a skill based game where you improve skills and use money to buy more stuff