Jedi/Han Deck Aggressive Deck

By 3WhiteFox3, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

This is an attempt at an aggressive Jedi/Han deck using the Desolation Objective Sets.

2x Message From Beyond

2x A Heroes Journey

2x In You Must Go

2x Secret Of Yavin 4

2x Questionable Contacts

Basically, use the power trio of Yoda/Han/Luke. Use your weenies as a defensive wall to help set up your heroes, enhance them as much as possible and go to town. Message From Beyond is there for the great Old Ben's Spirit and the nifty events that it adds to really mess with the DS while setting up a nigh-unstoppable force. Unfortunately, this is a deck that can either work amazingly well early on, or shutdown quick, but when it works, it really kills the Dark Side.

Tell me what you think. Comments, questions, advice, you name it.

I tried pretty much the same thing, minus Yoda plus Kenobi. Worked out pretty well in one match, got totally hosed in another. As with any deck built around a handful of heavies, it all comes down to drawing the big guns ASAP.

You might only want one Message from Beyond in favor of something with characters. There are already 2x Spirit in the OSet.

Yeah not a fan of the message pod over the obi pod because I believe you need characters yes it's that pod has a great card and keeps people alive but if you don't get Han/yoda/luke you are in trouble.

Yeah not a fan of the message pod over the obi pod because I believe you need characters yes it's that pod has a great card and keeps people alive but if you don't get Han/yoda/luke you are in trouble.

I have a similar list, but swap out the 2xSecrets of Yavin 4 for the 2xMessage from Beyond. I've found the protector stuff from Yavin is largely unneeded when you have big guys that cant die anyway. If I get any of the mains, (Yoda in particular) is is usually GG since they cant remove them reliably and it only gets worse the more of them I have out.

Hida77 said:

I have a similar list, but swap out the 2xSecrets of Yavin 4 for the 2xMessage from Beyond. I've found the protector stuff from Yavin is largely unneeded when you have big guys that cant die anyway. If I get any of the mains, (Yoda in particular) is is usually GG since they cant remove them reliably and it only gets worse the more of them I have out.

Sorry Just noticed, you are skipping the Obi set, I wouldnt do that.

My List is:

S&S Affiliation

2xHero's Journey

2xIn You Must Go

2xForgotten Heroes

2xMessage From Beyond

2xQuestionable Contacts

@Hida77: how would you feel about swapping QC for Last Minute Rescue? I know you're less likely to need the Redemption's ability with so many copies of Old Ben's Spirit, but I'm a bit of a fan of Return of the Jedi even in this deck (using Obi or Yoda in an edge battle and then returning them is always sweet) and the Redemption is at least a decent threat by itself. The real key for me though is Force Rejuvination. All the Old Ben's Spirits in the world won't protect you from a ton of focus tokens and Calm only helps you during your opponent's turn.

Bumping this because I'm honestly really curious about other people's take on that question: Han vs Last Minute Rescue?

I like Last Min Rescue but Redemption is pretty expensive in a deck already full of expensive unique units and I didn't use the Obj special ability much

QC is good, adds more resources to your deck

Both have their place, Ithink QC is more forgiving when it comes to the rest of your deck where as if you are going to use LMR you need to be more careful about your overal deck construction

I'm going to go with DBM on this one…I have decided to find room for Last Minute Rescue in my Han/Jedi deck. I just re-read Return of the Jedi. I thought that card put people back into your hand. But it lets you put Obi-wan into play, for 3, during the Conflict phase, ready to attack after you just used him to win the Edge battle in the previous engagement. Wow…

@dbm - Thats a viable alternative, but I dont recommend it. Prior to Desolation, I had LMR in there instead of Message from Beyond, and I liked it a lot. Not because the Redemption is good (its not really), but because if had a lot of high-force value cards in it, so it made it easy to win edge battles early, which I desperately needed to do. If you wanted to go straight Jedi, its a possibility, but LMR doesnt really give you what you want. My concern is that you miss out on one of the most obnoxious characters in the game right now, and lower the number of big annoying characters by a bit, since the Redemption can't use any of the new stuff. Rejuv is nice and all, as is Return, but both took a hit from Lord Vader's Command and their overall need has decreased when using Message.

In my experience, Jedi now really just want to get a big annoying character with Obi's Spirit and then follow it up with more big annoying characters. Work your opponent into "I can't kill anything, and its only getting worse". If you can make this happen, you almost dont even care if you win edge or not after the first few turns. Han/Luke/Yoda/Obi are the best way to do this, since each of them has a way of putting your opponent's board presence in bad shape, then constantly turning the knife until they have lost.

Han's set also brings a lot to the table, in the resource and Swindled, which I think is really underrated. Crossfire is also very problematic, and the Twi'Lek is solid gold as a support character.

Hida77 said:

Han's set also brings a lot to the table, in the resource and Swindled, which I think is really underrated. Crossfire is also very problematic, and the Twi'Lek is solid gold as a support character.

Swindled is very good, it deals with a lot of the DS chuds. I like crossfire because it can give a unit the last blast damage that you need to blow up an objective or get a tactics icon to lock down your opponent. My only beef with the pod is the low health on Han and the Twi'Lek, both units have good icons but the low health sets them back.

I really have no problems with the Questionable Contacts objective set. It's exactly the kind of set that we'd want for the deck. The problem is that LMR also has some nice things, and a ton of force icons to boot. Maybe this deck would be worth taking to 60 cards? I doubt it, but I guess it's worth trying…

I am never an advocate of going over the deck minimums in any card game without it providing some inherent advantage in the system. The only example I can think of is Netrunner as corp, to reduce the density of your agendas since thats how the runner wins, and even there I would say the tactic is debatable.

As far as the health of Han and his pod I cannot argue with your conclusions, but adding Message from Beyond reduces the number of characters you have on the whole, and LMR doesn't improve on that. In fact, I would say its makes it worse, since at least one of the characters you get has no combat icons at all, and the other can't benefit from any of the other cards you would be playing because its a vehicle. I understand the desire for RotJ and Force Rejuvenation, but think you are really putting yourself in a position of "I hope I see Luke/Obi/Yoda" because you would now have 2 sets that you are really playing for the support cards and not for the characters they are supporting. And seeing as how only Yoda is really able to win the game by himself at this time, you really need to see 2 of the 3 in that list most games.

Playing Han adds to the number of threats and gives you a lot of nice benefits in his set. He also makes you less reliant on the other three early in the game. The support cards aren't better in my opinion than those in LMR generally speaking, but the combination of giving your deck something it needs and having some nice support cards as well makes it the better option in my opinion. YMMV

Fair enough. I think I'll still have to try it out both ways, but those are certainly good points.

My Jedi/Han deck ran LMR until just recently when I started looking into how the DS locks them down. I am on the fence if it was the right call to swap it out for MFB.