Really hope that this is not just a "one off" and it gets support and expansions…
Relic Rulebook - Page 21 -
The Coming Conflict
Fans of Talisman may notice that in Relic players
cannot directly attack each other. This is important
because all players in the game serve and protect
the Imperium of Man.
That said, Relic is not a cooperative game and
players can interact with each other through Threat
cards, Mission cards, scenario sheets, and character
abilities. Those seeking more direct conflict can
rest assured that we have big plans for the future.
Through expansions, we aim to provide more robust
and exciting player-versus-player experiences.
Dude, it's an FFG game. Look at Talisman, how many expansions to date does it have? They can milk 40k for at least the same number.
Eye of Chaos expansion
Waaaagh expansion
Eldar expansion
Exterminatus expansion
and so forth. Note, those have specific themes, they could also just do 'here's more cards' expansions without specific themes.
keltheos said:
Dude, it's an FFG game.
Doesn't automatically mean expansions. Two of my favourite FFG games, Gears of War and Middle-Earth Quest have neither gotten an expansion, while "crap" like Battles of Westeros and Runewars get them
As the earlier quoted passage from the rulebook states they seem to see this as a new big thing for them. Probably correctly. Warhammer 40k and Talisman are two incredibly popular things for them. Unfortunately for things like Gears of War and other smaller games they probably never sell enough copies to justify the amount of effort and money it would take for a full expansion.
Dam said:
Doesn't automatically mean expansions. Two of my favourite FFG games, Gears of War and Middle-Earth Quest have neither gotten an expansion, while "crap" like Battles of Westeros and Runewars get them
I know it's not much compared to the amount of expansions for some other FFG games, but Gears of War has a PoD expansion available…
As for Relic, I think that FFG may take a similar distribution model to the one they have applied to Talisman. One small box with new playable characters, rules and card decks, followed by a big box, with new board and the rest.
The possibility of adding new themed threat decks seems like a fairly obvious addition and one that will add variety to the gameplay.
Indeed, they could release themed threat decks for days considering the range of enemies available in Warhammer 40k's fiction. The Tau, Dark Eldar, and Necrons have been left completely untouched. Just release them each in their own little mini expansions with some new characters and various other cards and you're set. Then you have several board expansions that add sectors of space controlled by the various new races. Voila.
I'm hoping that we see something like the Talisman corner boards. I'd love to see a Necron tomb or space hulk board to explore.
I think they'll add chaos to playable characters next because it says theres no pvp at the moment because they are for the imperium so chaos should be a playable race so pvp would make sense
…fingers crossed
The problem I can see with Chaos as playable characters would be that it makes no sense when you consider the corner spaces of the tiers which are Imperial. Chaos shouldn't be able to use them. I think they will keep characters to just imperial but that PVP will be allowed should a character reach X number of corruption cards.
Bah, even non-corrupt Imperial factions are ready and willing to cut another's throat to get ahead, Inquisition and Mechanicum being the worst backstabbers because they seem like the most law-abiding but instead will do just about anything for their specific goal, murder of innocents included. Wouldn't be a stretch at all for the Rogue Trader character to get attacked by an Inquisitor.
Unless FF release new corner add ons for chaos in a big expansion ? who knows, all i know is im ready for more!
Being a HUGE Necron fan… I look forward to a Reaper Expansion (I mean Nightbringer). I certainly hope for some Necron love in the next expansion!
I can see a Space Marine only expansion, with rules for various chapter characters (i.e. Space Wolf, Blood Angel, etc) or maybe "character" types like Chaplain or Librarians.
Bring the Pain!
Aka-More Playable characters!
Boardgamers of today are almost spoiled. Back in my day you bought a game and were lucky if an expansion came out at all. This game has barely hit the shelves and players are already screaming for expansions. And expecting them with a year tops…
Fnoffen said:
People should always strive for more and if people are already wanting more expansions that just shows this is a success.
Fnoffen said:
They should keep to a few expansions that are all planned together. Things tend to go astray when new sets are released one after the other without order. Importantly they need to keep to the quality to what is an excellent top notch game. Even so, I certainly look forward to new characters. Perhaps they could release new characters types like an Imperial Guard Veteran, Elder Scout, Alien Bounty Hunter or Hive Ganger etc.
The occasional trolling can actually be a useful tool to lessen the drudgery of unemployment…
Be fair, I was joking about imaginging a Deathwatch-themed Expansion (in short, all the other non-Ultramarine Chapters that appeared in the Pen and Paper gamebook of the same name) but… well, some of the Chapters do not obviously fit within Relic's context, like for example, the Black Templar's tendancy to charge into the first unlucky (most likely Eldar/Psyker/Weirdboy/Nid) guy they see, the Blood Raven's tendency to steal everything that isn't bolted to the ground, the Blood Angels' Black Rage and other such quirks. (Maybe the Imperial Fist Marine wins on ties, as an interpritation about their specialization as the Siege Boys, for example…)
These abilities wouldn't really be a stretch for Relic as they mostly exist in Talisman already. Dragon Hunter's Death Blow ability, Bounty Hunter winning Stand-Offs, Thief's Stealing ability etc.
They could easily follow slightly modified skins of expansion concepts they have for Talisman.
DUNGEON expansion could be a SPACEHULK with a Relic at the center, and I would love nothing more to see the CITY expanison actually be HIVE NECROMUNDA (or a generic HIVE in that sector).
I'm not sure I could handle another busy-colored board, as gorgeous as the main board is.
The game needs more cards, with a higher variance factor.
Threat cards, scenarios, characters.corruption, missions, power cards,wargear relics.With less emphasis on the monsters, since there are so many already. That, and competent PVP rules. Also rules for tag-team sessions to increase player interaction in multi-player games.
Maybe I'm just spoiled by the breadth of content in Talisman, but then the base game of Talisman also a had a fairly limited card supply. There are just so many sessions of the basic game you can play before you end up seeing all that it has to offer.
Talisman is the only game I've played that has benefited greatly from expansions, in that it adds more content, without piling up complexities.
I only hope that Relic will follow in its forefather's footstepts.
Just wanted to revive this topic, for lack of things to do, and the fact that I purchased this game recently and had a blast with it and my friends.
However, as I was reading through the earlier posts, I noticed that players stated that games like Gears of War and Middle Earth Quest didnt get expansions. Might this have been an Intellectual Property problem? Gears of War gave FFG the copyright to do 1 game but FFG may not have secured further copyright.
Talisman, although a Games workshop games, does not really use any warhammer fantasy IP. FFG may not have had much problem in obtaining more rights for expansion either. Talisman 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition (which were created by GW) came with expansions, therefore expansions would have been on the discussion table early on.
Relic uses Orks, eldar and all sorts of insignia which are GW copyright. After all, the Warrior in Talisman 4th edition is not GW copyright nor is the card "magical wand". Relic is a brand new game and has no history of expansion. Yes, FFG mentions pvp but that could be a PDF release.
The real question should be, would have FFG bought the rights for further expansions without knowing how good Relic would do?
We hope so, however, I would be happy with the current game. It is very pretty, there are many cards, many different characters. Talisman has 160 cards, Relic has 204 threat cards plus mission cards, power cards, asset cards…. that makes Relic a lot more long lived than Talisman ever was.