The new user point system

By Scubadude, in UFS General Discussion

So how does everyone like the new point system discuss.

how we can like something that dosen't affect the browsing? lol partido_risa.gif

I like it. I think having points and being able to win auctions and stuff is good. I also like that it kind of replaces the post count, which will probably cut down on a lot of post whoring (you don't always get points for making a post).

JDub said:

I like it. I think having points and being able to win auctions and stuff is good. I also like that it kind of replaces the post count, which will probably cut down on a lot of post whoring (you don't always get points for making a post).

It seems like you get more points for making topics then posting so the writers will be happy lol ...

I wonder if there are other ways of getting more points though I havent found much yet.

I'm pretty sure you get +1 point for each friend. Not 100% but I think you get +10 points for creating a post. I also think you might get points for adding an avatar, sig, etc because when I first signed up I had like 10 points then after I changed my profile around adding the games, avatar and stuff I had like 20 points.

I wish it were more like Gaia, where you get more points depending on the length of your post.

I don't generally post a lot of new threads, and really, the thought of clogging forums just to earn points isn't a very appealing thought.

The raffle idea is great, because it offers REAL LIFE prizes. Except, again, I'll end up being one of the most frequent users, but I'll have so few points because I don't post my own stuff =/

as soon as other regular users come over here, you'll know what to write

...huh? o_O...

Eh, I don't post a lot. I intend on covering Set 11 thoroughly, much like I did Set 9. Once cycle finally draws near, I'll write about reminiscing on the past block, etc.

But otherwise, there's nothing much to post about. I considered starting a thread for fan creations since me, Fiedler, and Xenomic are crying XD

I may be on "drugs" but i saw a lot of your posts in the other ufs's GD forum O_o

The point system is sort of like writings on String Theory: All of the mystery, none of the intrigue. Mysterious and boring, and probably irrelevant and/or incorrect.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a number to go "ooh! It's higher now" with occasionally. Maybe if you can eventually 'cash in' a large number for non-randomly-drawn rewards I'll go bonkers for it, but until then I'm not too worried either way.

I don't care. Weee points *swirls finger around in the air*

all I know is I'm going to hit the first person who posts something, someone tells them they are wrong, and their rebuttal is "I'm right because I have more points then you do"

quarzark said:

I don't care. Weee points *swirls finger around in the air*

all I know is I'm going to hit the first person who posts something, someone tells them they are wrong, and their rebuttal is "I'm right because I have more points then you do"

I'm pretty sure that point system can go down...(like, if you won something)

I'm still confused at exactly what it is =/

Is there a place where how the point system effects us and such is explained? Would love to understand what I am doing and how it affect crap. Are points meerly superfical or is there more too it?

Protoaddict said:

Is there a place where how the point system effects us and such is explained? Would love to understand what I am doing and how it affect crap. Are points meerly superfical or is there more too it?

All information on the points based system can be found HERE.

Antigoth said:

Protoaddict said:

Is there a place where how the point system effects us and such is explained? Would love to understand what I am doing and how it affect crap. Are points meerly superfical or is there more too it?

All information on the points based system can be found HERE.

Well in that information it just says how your points make you eligiable for raffles. It doesnt say how the raffles exactly work, what the prizes are for each level , and how points are calculated.

well JDub I can confirm that you get one point per friend you acquire.

Mt_Do said:

well JDub I can confirm that you get one point per friend you acquire.

Sounds like "acquiring" friends could get out of hand if the points ever become tangibly worthwhile. Myspace complex ahoy!

I'm still kinda curious as to what prizes will be, I can understand with Trading card games, promos and stuff, but what about for all the board games?

They get to pass Go and collect $200?

Yeah i dont really like the fact that you get the +1 for adding friends it just creates problems where everyone is just goin 2 add as many friends as possible and then its goin 2 turn into(like it did on the old forums) that people with the most points and friends get the attention and people listen to them over the people who dont post as much even though they might have valid points as well

I think the points are a neat concept that will totally suck.

I welcome the points overlords with welcome arms... awaiting raffle prizes like UFS boxes, Descent, Twilight Imperium and other oversized FFG board games.

What I have notice is the whole thing is random. I added 2 people added 6 points to my total(for a 3 apiece). I have posted thread and have added anywhere between 0-6 points. watch i get another 0 for this post.

The last thing that I'd like to think is that it's random =/