What are his abilities? A link to his stat card would be great.
Any word on the Allies Superhuman?
Panzerprinz is 26 points.
Hmmm…. I was expecting a bit more from victory. The cheat death is nice… The zombies are pretty cool but the 40 point cost is pretty high… Panzer prince seems like a point sink to me…
Panzer Prince - 26pts in the hope you get an extra activation which may be once or twice a game, might be worth it in a heavy otherwise a definate no, a Ludwig won't be around long enough to make use of his skill.
Sergeant Victory - looks ok to me at least if his vehicle gets shot out from under him he can do something else.
Zombies - I bought 3 boxes, guess I won't be using them all for anything but a fun themed scenario at 40pts each, we will see
moffmalthus said:
Hmmm…. I was expecting a bit more from victory. The cheat death is nice… The zombies are pretty cool but the 40 point cost is pretty high… Panzer prince seems like a point sink to me…
Yeah, I'd like to use Victory a bit and see how he does, but I agreee that his stats don't look that great. Even though he has Cheat Death, with only Armor 3 and no Damage Resilience or cover saves, it seems like he is going to get ripped apart pretty quickly if exposed to enemy fire.
I assume that he is really meant to be used as a pilot. Stick him in a Punisher or Fireball, and you'd have a really tough unit. Of course, that unit will also represent about half the point cost of your army (assuming you're playing a 300 pt game), and you could probably get similar longevity by sticking Rosie in the heavy vehicle so she can heal it when it gets beaten up.
Maybe Victory will really shine as a pilot for the new Allied aircraft?
Regarding the zombies, yeah, they're cool, but when you can get two units of Recon Grenadiers for 8 less points, I don't see them getting a lot of use.
As for Panzerprinz, I think he actually looks pretty good. Again, I would probably only use him to pilot a Sturmkonig or Konigsluther, but having one of those vehicles potentially get a third action every time it activates could really change the course of a game.
I'm thinking that S.V.will shine as a bomber pilot, after it gets destroyed you still have the ability to do some dmg with him. But a better pic would be nic to see the stats.
Panzerpriz seems RLY nice, either as a hvy walker or Wotan pilot. Also with a bit of luck him + flamm luther + assault = grill party!
The zombies are way overpirced! They are just boosted up recons, 35 would be more resonable, plus is you can now use both heroes without the need to have two zombie squads.
I see Seargant Victory as a pilot of my Punisher with Rosie as a passenger… Try to bite this Axis scum! 165 points may look a lot, but in our games (we usually play 600-800 points per side) its pretty ok.
Man, a Punisher with two Cheat Deaths and a Tank Head should last you quite a while!
Lska said:
But a better pic would be nic to see the stats.
Pics are now up on Paolo's site.
The Helige Tod don't really look worth the points. They have a ton of anti-armor power, but it's all short range and they don't have FAST.
I think I'd rather have a regular zombie squad…
Yeach the new zombie seem more and more only as a nice climax unit but as a weapon of choice i would stick to the old ones;)
Put Grenadier X with the Heilige Tod to give them Assault and they should be pretty effective (you'll never want Totenmeister in any other squad other than the Axis Zombies anyway). If they discharge all their weapons on a single (unsustained) attack with Grenadier X, they will on average do almost 10 hits! Enough to kill any heavy walker. Then use the Heavy Kommandotruppe Ammo Dump and you can do it all over again.
Another option for Panzerprinz could be putting him in a Lothar to have the chance to do an indirect attack and a reload in one activation, but I'm not sure whether this is worth 26 points. Victory, although being quite expensive, looks better. I'll definitely try putting him in an expensive vehicle to avoid some damage done to it, and I'll also put him in an army with the other jump-capable Allied infantry.
Concerning the Übertoten: I don't think they are as overpriced as some of you state. After all, they are damage resilent Armor 3 squads with 5 soldiers each, have regular cover saves and there are 2 heroes that can possibly join them. Considering this, they just can't be cheap!
I have to admit, what really bothers me about the Übertoten is neither their price nor their abilities, it's their name. "Heilige Tod" translated into English is "Holy Death". Does this make any sense? Even if it does, a proper German name would be "Der heilige Tod" or "Heiliger Tod", but not "Heilige Tod". That probably sounds German, but it is not German. By the way, what kind of weapon does Panzerprinz have? The stat card says "Hidden Lüger", but the pistol they are probably thinking of is called a Luger. It would be really nice if the German names in FFG games could be checked by someone who'd actually speak German.
What I think really kills the Braineaters for me is that they have those stupid Range 2 submachine guns.
That makes them a rather short range unit and they don't have any extra movement to help compensate.
Kriegschatten said:
What I think really kills the Braineaters for me is that they have those stupid Range 2 submachine guns.
That makes them a rather short range unit and they don't have any extra movement to help compensate.
Neither do any of the SSU like armed units either though.
Major Mishap said:
Kriegschatten said:
What I think really kills the Braineaters for me is that they have those stupid Range 2 submachine guns.
That makes them a rather short range unit and they don't have any extra movement to help compensate.
Neither do any of the SSU like armed units either though.
Which is kind of why I don't like any of the SSU infantry, either!!
I don't why I didn't notice this before, but how the hell is Sergeant Victory able to PUNCH AN AIRCRAFT?!
His jet pack must have nice vertical. I guess if the square he occupies is adjacent to one of the sqaures the aircraft's base is in, it's game on.