Questions about Legend in combat

By cchopman, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

When I attack a legend through a zone, is that legend considered to be a "unit" of attacker?

When I defend a zone with a legend (attached by BQ36 Descendant of Gods), is that legend considered to be a "unit" of defender?

Can I use AU42 Invoke Khaine’s Wrath to destroy the legend that participated in combat?

AU42 Invoke Khaine’s Wrath
Play at the end of any battlefield phase.
Action: Destroy all units that participated in combat this phase.

Thanks for Reply

No, no and no.

A legend is not a unit, and will not be affected by cards affecting units.

"During the battlefield phase, a legend may use its battlefield power to attack as though it were a unit located in the battlefield zone."

“as though it were a unit” means it is not a unit in fact, and also can not count as a unit. However, you can just understand the effect of a legend in combat that is similar with a unit.

And also, "Legends are their own card type and are not affected by card effects that target unit, support, or tactic cards."

Legends can surely be affected by card effects, such as Promenade of Malice. It is just not affected by card effects that target unit, support, or tactic cards.

So to make it completely clear, can one legend attack another legend? Situation is like this: there are no units in my battlefield, but a legend is summoned. Another player has no units in his battlefield. I use legend ability to attack minding that I can use it power as it is a unit in b-field, and decide to attack opponents legend. is this situation legal?



and what about Savage? If I attack a zone with a savage unit in it, can the savage effect target my Legend?

Nope, savage only works on units.

I have a really stupied question about legends but I ask anyway.

If i have Alith Anar ( ) in play with 1 power in the questzone och 2 power in battlefield.

My opponent attacks my legend trough my questzone.

Does Alith defend with 1 or 2 power?

In ordinarie combat you use the power in battlefield.

Edited by gertat


When a legend is attacked through a particular zone, the legend deals combat damage equal to its power icons in that zone.

Thanks, that answer I should have known, sorry.

But this is à great forum with à lot of great people