Frank said:
Why are all 20 extra Mythos cards Gat Bursts? And why are they all Movement Icon #3 or #6?
If you've looked throughout this entire thread, you would know that all the sea monsters are moon symbol, intentionally. And there are 2 reasons they are all gate burst: Reason #1 is that there's only 2 unstable locations in the sea, and a new Mythos card is drawn only after 2 turns. If even only half the cards weren't gate bursts, and someone would've sealed a gate in the sea, then there's a good chance no gate would open in the sea at all for quite some time, and I want constant gates appearing there and releasing monsters to encourage players go there and kill the monsters before they enter the vortex. Still, there's 50% chance that a mythos would open a gate on an existing gate (if there's only one gate in the sea and not 2), but if it weren't a gate burt the chances of gates not appearing at all would increase dramatically if there's even 1 sealed location. Reason #2 is that I didn't wanted for gates opening at sea to cause gate surges.
I recomment you to read the rules. If you don't want to download the expansion, the rules are somewhere in the previous page or the one before that.