resolving question

By xxx4xxx, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

following happens

I have sacrifical pyre and want to sacrifice a unit to corrupt my opponents unit.

the action goes on the stack, the cost for the action is to sacrifice my unit right? therefore my unit is sacrificed immedialty?!!

he playes a tactic on the stack which corrupts the unit first.

resolving his first means the unit is corrupted

now my action is to be resolved. if my unit was sacrificed as cost for the action i know nothing happens since my unit is sacrificed..

or is it like sacrifice to corrupt are both conditions which are to be met at that moment? taht would mean unit cant be sacrificed because the target is already corrupted therefore illegal…

thnx for clearing that out

Sacrificial Pyre: Action: When you sacrifice a unit, corrupt target unit.

It's a triggered action. The sacrifice isn't a cost, the Pyre doesn't allow you to sacrifice a unit. It doesn't say "Action: Sacrifice a unit to corrupt target unit." So first of all, you need something else to actually sacrifice the unit, like a Slave Pen (Action: Sacrifice a unit to put a resource token on this card.). Additional costs are always the X in a sentence in the "do X to do Y" format. The Pyre's action doesn't have a cost, it just needs a trigger, it can only be used after you have sacrificed a unit.

IF the Pyre allowed you to sacrifice a unit as a cost, then your opponent couldn't play the tactic, because you pay all costs upon announcing you're triggering the effect, so the unit would be gone by the time he gets to play a tactic in response, so he couldn't target it.

But corrupting the unit wouldn't change anything anyway. When a unit is corrupted it can't be declared as attacker or defender, that's all. Nothing else changes. It can still be the target of effects, its power still counts, it can still be sacrificed, etc.

Mallumo said:

Sacrificial Pyre: Action: When you sacrifice a unit, corrupt target unit.

It's a triggered action. The sacrifice isn't a cost, the Pyre doesn't allow you to sacrifice a unit. It doesn't say "Action: Sacrifice a unit to corrupt target unit." So first of all, you need something else to actually sacrifice the unit, like a Slave Pen (Action: Sacrifice a unit to put a resource token on this card.). Additional costs are always the X in a sentence in the "do X to do Y" format. The Pyre's action doesn't have a cost, it just needs a trigger, it can only be used after you have sacrificed a unit.

IF the Pyre allowed you to sacrifice a unit as a cost, then your opponent couldn't play the tactic, because you pay all costs upon announcing you're triggering the effect, so the unit would be gone by the time he gets to play a tactic in response, so he couldn't target it.

But corrupting the unit wouldn't change anything anyway. When a unit is corrupted it can't be declared as attacker or defender, that's all. Nothing else changes. It can still be the target of effects, its power still counts, it can still be sacrificed, etc.

ok, the german cards are terribly translated. i need to check for the english wording more often (which is also far from perfect in some cases)

but back tomy question. lets say i have that that slave pen. when i trigger that action it comes on the stack, so my opponent can make a re-action.

means i say i use slave pen ----> on the stack (is my unit already sacrificed and pyre triggered in that moment or is it to be sacrificed when resolving?) sacrifical pyre is on the table too

now he plays "death in the shadows" he needs to corrupt his to damage/kill one of mine. this is on the stack and resolved first.

now depending on when the sacrifice takes place, he is able to play his card or not

is it

1. I havent sacrificed the unit because i have to wait to resolve, so he is corrupting his unit first damaging mine, then i sacrifice my unit not corrupting his..

2. the action from slave pen takes place first because i have to immediatly sacrifice to play the action, therefore pyre triggers and i can corrupt one of his units which he will answer with death in the shadows to corrupt that unit first

we got confused with the german wording.

somehow we were asking ourselfes if i sacrifice a unti to corrupt a unit goes on the stack and he is corrupting his unit first if then my target was illegal if i would have to sacrifice my unit anyway or i cant sacrifice it because of no legal target…

confusing enough?

I think Mallumo gave the answer already.

Sacrificing a unit to the Slave Pen is a cost, so the sacrifice takes place immediately when you decide to use Slave Pens action. So your opponent won't have a target anymore, which means you get the benefit from both Slave Pen and Sacrificial Pyre - your opponent gets a long nose :D .