Fantasy Flight Continue To Support Warhammer WFRP?

By EpicGamerGeek, in WFRP Archived Announcements

Now that "The Enemy Within" module has been released, is FFG going to bring out more expansions (not downloads) and

other products to support WFRP? Have we seen the last of new products for WFRP? There is nothing listed in the "Upcoming" section of the web site.

Thank you.


an answer??? some informations?

even a "yes, but too busy... so wait unitl october"?

Jay Little said that they have upcoming supplements planned, a reprinting of the dice (as listed), and also a re-printing of the adventurers toolkit. That information can be confirmed here:

youngling says w00000t !

I hope they stop and make a d100 system like 2edition of WFRP.. Much easyere to make content and players from Dark Heresy exc can easely switch over to the fantasy setting sins the system is the same...