I'm playing a lot of Dust Tactics at our game club ( www.nycwargames.com ) in an effort to get as many players as possible for our Regional Tournament on May 25th (see the Organized Play folder for details). Some questions arose:
1) Units are adjacent and the attacker wants to do Close Combat. When he declares that attack as his action, can he first fire all his ranged weapons at the unit he's attacking (or, other units for that manner) and THEN do a close combat assault? Or Close Combat only? Or, does he need to use an Action to fire the weapon and then another Action to do Close Combat?
2) If units are in diagonally adjacent squares (points of corners touching) are they considered adjacent for Close Combat?
3) Say a unit is ranged firing into a structure. If the target is standing right inside the door then get Soft Cover for being in the building. If they were one square back from the door they get Hard cover for combining two Soft cover. Say the target was standing 3 or 4 squares back into the building … can they still be targeted with a Hard cover save? Or is there some point you simply can't fire on them.
There will be more, but these were top of mind. Thanks!