Tank Pilot Rules Question

By Reorder, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

So my buddy and I were about to play a vehicles only match this weekend when the question was brought up whether or not a pilot can take some of the damage received to the tank that they pilot. By that I mean:

SSU vs. German, the SSU player is using a Lenin with Nickolai which has taken 3 damage after damage resistance from a German Ludwig. Can Nickolai soak 2 of the damage and pass one to the vehicle or must the vehicle assume all of the damage?

I presume that the vehicle must soak all of the damage but have been unable to find anything to either effect from re-reading the Zverograd book.

Any and all oppinions/help is much appreciated.

Thanks Kindly


No. Pilots can't soak a vehicle's damage. All they do is share their pretinent skills with the vehicle.

They are treated as passengers for damage purposes.

Ya I really didn't think they could but the question was asked and I couldn't find anything in the rules. Though it does lead to another question. Can Angela use her sniper ability to damage the pilot??? I'm not inclined to say no, but at the same time seems kinda cheesy since tanks are closed up pretty tightly.



No, she can't. Same as she couldn't shoot a passenger inside fireball.