Star Wars OP @ Game Parlor -- Chantilly, Virginia

By Datrixzero, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Organized Play

Hello Star Wars players in Norther Virginia,

We are starting an OP day Sundays at noon at Game Parlor Chantilly. You can find directions to the store on their web site here My friends and I will be there starting this Sunday. February 24th, 2013. We will discuss that day if we should make this a weekly or bi-weekly thing. Regionals at Game Parlor is scheduled for the 14th of April, so come on out and practice for the big day. We have signed up for the league kit but it has not yet arrived. If we have the kit stuff for Sunday we will be utalizing it. I hope to see you all there ready to face down the dark side of the force!

Some of us have been playing Wednesday nights down at Comics and Gaming in Gainesville. We'll be there tomorrow night around 7pm. You should come out. I'll try to make it to Chantilly on Sunday as well.

You should also consider posting the league on AFM. There are quite a few LCG players in our area on there as well. The link is in my signature. Hope to see you there.
