Righteous Fury

By throt2, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Ok so I just bought the core book. I've seen the term righteous fury many times, but no matter where I look I can't find what it means. Can someone point out to me where it is? I must just be skipping over it when reading down the page or something.

Its in the Combat chapter. Page 245 of the Deathwatch rulebook. The first set of large bold letters.

Updated rules for Rightous Fury is located in the errata (ver. 1.1). Under the Combat heading on page 5, 4th subheading.

Throt said:

Ok so I just bought the core book. I've seen the term righteous fury many times, but no matter where I look I can't find what it means. Can someone point out to me where it is? I must just be skipping over it when reading down the page or something.

Basically, it is the Deathwatch version of a critical hit that is based off of the damage dealt - with higher degrees of success the 'rightous fury' has a higher possibility of triggering because you are rolling more d10's.

I also have a question I would like to add that is a bit deeper into the Rightous Fury question. Well, a couple questions;

1. Do you roll for each "round" in say a heavy bolter attack? Meaning… do you roll another attack for every round that succeeded from your 'degrees of success'? Or… is it just for the entire attack with all dice rolled at the same time? It makes a difference because you could get multiple Rightous Furies in an attack or just one.

Mindforge said:

1. Do you roll for each "round" in say a heavy bolter attack? Meaning… do you roll another attack for every round that succeeded from your 'degrees of success'? Or… is it just for the entire attack with all dice rolled at the same time? It makes a difference because you could get multiple Rightous Furies in an attack or just one.

FFG has clarified the terms Attack and Hit. The best way to think of it is:
Attack, a single WS or BS attack action against a character.
Hit: The number of damaging strikes applied to a character from an Attack.

A full auto attack counts as a single Attack, even if it Hits with all 6 shots. The 3 attacks when using the Multiple Attacks Action and Lightning Attack counts as 3 Attacks (3 WS tests). Whenever a rule says you get a bonus hit against a certain target (X damage against hordes for instance), it is only applied once per Attack, and not per Hit.

Righteous Fury triggers per Hit, not per Attack. If your heavy bolter Attack Hits 5 times and you roll a natural 10 on three of those Hits, then you have triggered Righteous Fury 3 times.

herichimo said:

Mindforge said:

1. Do you roll for each "round" in say a heavy bolter attack? Meaning… do you roll another attack for every round that succeeded from your 'degrees of success'? Or… is it just for the entire attack with all dice rolled at the same time? It makes a difference because you could get multiple Rightous Furies in an attack or just one.

FFG has clarified the terms Attack and Hit. The best way to think of it is:
Attack, a single WS or BS attack action against a character.
Hit: The number of damaging strikes applied to a character from an Attack.

A full auto attack counts as a single Attack, even if it Hits with all 6 shots. The 3 attacks when using the Multiple Attacks Action and Lightning Attack counts as 3 Attacks (3 WS tests). Whenever a rule says you get a bonus hit against a certain target (X damage against hordes for instance), it is only applied once per Attack, and not per Hit.

Righteous Fury triggers per Hit, not per Attack. If your heavy bolter Attack Hits 5 times and you roll a natural 10 on three of those Hits, then you have triggered Righteous Fury 3 times.

Thanks. So a storm bolter, even though you roll fewer attacks - you get double your hits… So, you would roll 'rightous fury' from the hit. You are about to make my players very happy. Rereading the rightous fury makes much more sense per hit, I just thought it was overpowered.