Aircraft Advanced Depolyment Question

By Reorder, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Hello folks!-

1) So the question came up today while playing with the SSU Attack chopper if holding back on deploying it counted as a SSU turn for the round. By that I mean… Axis player moves a piece then the SSU player declares that the chopper will stay off the board another round, turn back to Axis player and so forth. I believe that that counts since you are technically stating what your intention is with the unit.

2) This question arose from the first one. Since their is no rule stating that all of your intended units need to be placed on the board during first round, can a player hold off on a few units to deploy in following rounds at their discretion? I tend to disagree with this since scenarios that involve reinforcement units specifically state to hold back X amount.

Any input on those two would be imensely appreciated. And as always thanks for the help!


You can't hold off from deploying, all units have to enter on turn 1. I believe there is only one esception to this and thats in the Hades underground scenarios.

Major Mishap is right of course. If you want to look up the relevant rule, it's on page 19 in the Revised Core Rules: "During the first round, all units must enter the battlefield."

I see what I did there. I read the Advanced Optional Rules for Aircraft and got it mixed up with the standard rules regarding the way aircraft enter the board. In regards to question 2) though I have one question. If you create an army thats to large to enter the board entirely on the first round what happens to the pieces that couldn't enter due to there being no room for them to enter?

We just started playing with aircraft as well as playing 600-800 point armies, so we seem to be running into more instances where we aren't quite sure on the rules.

Thanks Again for the help.


Having an army with lots of units shouldn't be a problem if you design your own battlefield. Just designate many squares to be the entry zone. If you play a given scenario, I'd say you have to house rule either to allow some units to enter on turn 2 or to enlarge the entry zone - whatever fits the scenario better and doesn't give you an advantage.

It should actually be impossible not to get all your units on table, even with a 3 tile wide board thats enough for at least 18 units! But if it should happen, then those models are lost and do not appear. They only way not to get them on is bad planning, ie move all soldiers onto first line and so not allowing tanks to enter or deliberately doing the same.