Game rules clarification

By elidaman, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

I have a few questions;

1. How does Artillary damage? Can it damage multiple units at once? (See setup below)
For the example always assume there is a direct line of site or an observer.


Assume the artillary unit is the " * "
- It wishes to fire upon enemy A
Do any other unit get damaged too, because of the Artillary barrage? Or only 'A'

2. How does Reload Skill work?
Let me know if my assumption is right;
- round one it fired weapon
- round two it used 1/2 action to reload and as 2/2 action to fire….
Am i correct?

3. Assault Skill - It says can be used once per game but twice in same round?
Did i understand it correctly?
Let me know if my assumption is right;assume my movement is 1
- Action one move 1 + Assault so move 2…
- Action two move 1 + Assault so move 2…
So in total i moved 4 in that round?
Am i correct?

4. Jump
Can Squads or Heros with this abilty leap Over a building? (Rules say structure so wish to confirm this…)

5. Can someone explain ' Volley Blast ' on the steelrain walker?
I think i understand it, but would like to be sure with a clearer example. Also can i damage all type units by choice..
Meaning can i volley blast a squad with 3 rockets OR a vehicle with 1?

6. Silly question;When a unit uses his weapon line which requires' limited-ammo weapon '. If he used up all of his limite ammo;
can he still use that weapon line? Other than Badass is there a way to restock ammo or that weapon line is not usable anymore…

Gracias :)


Didnt mean to quote

1. Artillary only damages its intended target, no splash damage.

2. Page 21 of Core

[Weapon Name]: RELO AD (Skill)

A unit with this skill must spend more time reloading before it can fire that weapon again –

artillery weapons often fall into this category. A unit performs one Skill action to

reload its weapon. Place the included “Loaded” token on the unit card to

indicate that the weapon is loaded. After performing this action, the unit can fire

the weapon. At the beginning of each game, all weapons are loaded. See “Reloadable

Weapons” on page 25 for more details.

3. Page 20 of Core


A unit with this skill can cross the battlefield at a blistering pace! When a unit uses this

skill, its movement value doubles – even if the unit performs two move

actions. A unit can only use this skill once per game. A hero with this skill shares it

with any squad he joins.

bold should answer your question. It can use both of its actions for movement which each are doubled.

4. Page 21 of Core


A unit with this skill has powerful legs or jet packs that allow it to leap over obstacles.

During movement, the unit can ignore an obstacle (such as a cover element

or another unit), but it must land in an empty space. Units cannot jump

over a space without a dot (a terrain square or a vehicle). Vehicles with

the Jump skill cannot jump over structures, but soldiers or heroes with

the Jump skill can jump over structures . A hero with this skill can only join a

squad that also has this skill. A squad with this skill can only be joined by a hero that also

has this skill.

Bolded your answer from rulebook above

5. New unit card does not have Volley Blast. Just Mortar/Reload and 4 limited ammo rockets

6. Page 11 of Operation Cerberus

Field Mechanic

The Field Mechanic has two different abilities:

Ammo Dump (SKILL)

The Field Mechanic can call for an airdrop of ammo to a friendly unit. The unit instantly

replenishes all of its limited-ammo weapons. When a player uses this skill, he may choose

any unit type (squad, vehicle, or hero) that is within line of sight of the Field Mechanic.

This skill can be used only once per game.


Or the quick answer:

1- Only one unit.

2- 1 action reloads a weapon

3- Assault doubles your Move rating for that activation (both actions).

4- Yes

5- Choose how many ammo you're spending at once, roll the appopriate amount of dice.

6- No ammo, no weapon. NCO squad can use Ammo Dump to replenish ammo, though.

Thanks for the responses,

But i dont understand response for #5. I understand that there is no more volley but how do i attack with the rockets? any examples please?


- lets say i use 3 rockets against a Squad; how many dies do i roll?

- lets say i use 1 rockets against a Vehicle; how many dies do i roll?


Think found the answer unless there is an erreta for it… can someone confirm to this please.

Operation Cyclone introduces this new type of weapon for the Steel Rain’s rockets. When
you look at the weapon line of the 4.2” Rockets, you can see four different damage values:
3/1 is for using one rocket; 6/1 for using two; 9/1 for three and 12/1 for using the
four rockets at the same time.

Yep, that's it.

thank you :) Time for WAR!!!

New Question:

Do the boss and corps officers share same skills in battle?

What i mean is; can the boss do what the corps can (minus the armor class diff)?

If not where do they differ?

- only thing i see diff is that the boss has the artillary skill on the card which the corps done.. but odd enough they have the radio :P

They differ in comand abilities: Corps Off are a NCO squad - look in Op Cerberus rolebook, there it is written what they can do. The boss is a normal officer squad, they have totally diffrent abilities, staying back and rolling dice for reactivation or reinforcments their abilities are in op cyclone book.

"Ah my mistake. I thought because they both are command squad… "they can do all the abilities of the revised rules + cerberus"

my bad…

Second time we playing the first revised scenario; "Reconaissance" (one squad and one walker each)

We hae questions and would love for the help to have some rules clarified on how they resolve.

1. Rhino + The Hammers they each have movement 2 + Jump. Rhino has berserk

Check the layout below;

C X 000000 X
D X 000000 X

0 = structure which rhino and thee hammers can leap over.

Rhino and the Hammers ' A ' wish to attack Unit ' K '. Can they?

What i did to attack was; "Jump to space B and then complete my movement of two to space C as first action and then clober K with my second action close combat. Is that corect?

2. Lets say a squad of HLG combined with Lara does 10 'HIT' damage to the BBQ Squad who were in hard cover. The BBQ successfully rolled 5 Blanks for their cover.. Do they avoid the damage or do they need to roll ANOTHER 5 dices for the extra damage that the HLG with Lara did.

3. Damage Resilient is this ability usable in close combat? (If 'C' ignores all cover…)

4. Using a Skill is considered taking an action… So confusion i(we) have is that we thought there are ONLY 3 SKILLS shown in the rule books pages 20-23 (aside from the CC and NCO skills…)

Actions Skills we know of are "Artillery Strike - Reload - Tank Head"…………………Am i rightor wrong on this? Like is Jump a skill or an ability in my definistion that can be used twice within a turn (if possible)

Thank you!

1. Not sure I get your graph correctly, but I don't think your proposed attack is valid. For A to move to C it takes 4 movement points. Since the Hammers have Move 2, they can't get there in a single Move and still be able to attack. They'd need to perform a full Move+Move just to get to C. I think there's something you misunderstood concerning movement, or I misunderstood your graphic.

2. If the BBQ got 10 hits, and managed to avoid 5 of them, they suffer the remaining 5 hits.

3. Damage Resilient is ALWAYS usable. Even if the attack ignores cover, even if it's a close combat attack, even if the target is unconscious due to a Stimulant Kit. It's always there.

4. Some skills take an action, some don't. The ones that do are marked by a (SKILL) next to their name (can be confusing, I know). So skills like Jump, Damage Resilience, Agile, Black Ops, Badass, etc, don't cost an action; while others like Artillery Strike, Reload and Tank Head, do.

Sorry about the graph. Let me explain it.

C X 000000 X
D X 000000 X

Imagine your Rhino + Squad at square A leap over the structure to square B and then move to square C as a first Action ( Rhino has move 2 + jump ).

As a second Action they attack Unit K .

Is this a legal move?

As I said, no. The distance from A to C is 4. You'd need a Move+Move to get there. Jump doesn't boost your speed in any way.

Thank you again.

Want to make sure i understand.

- Jumping over the structer was considered as action 1 and then moving to square c was action 2…

Jump in most cases lets you ignore the height of the building, you still need to expend the movement points to reach your destination. Imagine if the building wasn't there at all, still need 4 points to get there.

Jumop is not exactly an action you take, it's just an ability that means you get to ignore certain obstacles when moving. So in your case, the 1st action would get you to the second 0 over the building, then the 2nd action would get you all the way to C.

Fine makes sense. So action 1 is use ability jump and the second action move 2… i would of gotten closer to the enemy for him to clober me….

Lara is too **** strong and AP sure dont make sense…

Allies have mobility BUT **** does Axis have range…we get reaped to shreds before reaching them…

elidaman said:

Fine makes sense. So action 1 is use ability jump and the second action move 2… i would of gotten closer to the enemy for him to clober me….

Allies have mobility BUT **** does Axis have range…we get reaped to shreds before reaching them…

Sorry, I think your description of jump is still wrong. Using the jump ability doesn't cost one of your actions. In your example, action 1 would be moving 2 squares while using the ability jump. Action 2 could be anything, either moving again up to 2 squares while using the ability jump again or attacking if an enemy unit is within your range. Considering your graph, it looks like Rhino and his friends would need to move 3 squares to get from A to C, so this movement would use both of their actions.

Adressing the Axis' range advantage, there are several ways to cope with it, although I admit they aren't anything special but quite simple: You should of course use as much cover as possible while you advance. You could move expendable units up front to hide your valuable units. You could buy new Allied units with good ranges, for example the Grim Reapers or the light walker.

elidaman said:

Fine makes sense. So action 1 is use ability jump and the second action move 2…

No, Jump is NOT an action, it just means that whenever you take a Move action, you can choose to ignore obstacles.

Any wisdom on the **** axis…I feel allies have mobility but the axis have defensive range…they can sit back and just shoot you down as you come.

Other than cover+ crawl; is there any real strategy to crippling them?

I play allies and I win most of the time. You have speed and cover-ignoring weapons to your advantage. Plan your moves carefully, activating the right unit at the right time, and you can get right up close to those long german guns and fry them into submission.

I will need to get that strategy down..usually mobility should give me an advantage…Which units you play most with or they differ every time.

They vary a lot, but I usually have at least a Mickey, BBQ or Hell Boys, Grim Reapers…