Looking to join Online campaign.

By UlricKessler, in Black Crusade

Hey there everyone, it's been almost a year since my last game and to be honost I've almost always been a GM and for once I'd love to be a player. So if there is anyone out there looking to do a BC campaign and needs players, I'd be glad to join in. I am free at all times due to the fact that I live on compensation from the army so please feel free to hit me up on Skype@ Ulric Kessler.

UlricKessler said:

Hey there everyone, it's been almost a year since my last game and to be honost I've almost always been a GM and for once I'd love to be a player. So if there is anyone out there looking to do a BC campaign and needs players, I'd be glad to join in. I am free at all times due to the fact that I live on compensation from the army so please feel free to hit me up on Skype@ Ulric Kessler.

We are starting a online game in the thread here entitled Black Crusde : Prison Edition. It looks like it promises to be amazingly fantastic. Love the setting and what I know of the PCs… (so far it promises to be the best game I've played in years..)

Read the thread with the same title, and if ya want to join us please feel free to ask Boss If it's cool for u to join. Would love to have ya myself. I vote for us to come in. But the final decision must ly with da Boss.

Thanks I'll look it up.