Hacan ally abilities
Sorry, but your friend is right. The wording on the card is confusing, but it means that you do one of those options instead of your deployment step.
The rules do not cover this directly, but they do mention this on page 22 when they are clarifying Hacan's abilities:
"If the ally uses the Hacan Ally Advantage to move units around the game board instead of deploying new units to the board, the Hacan player does
receive this influence."
I think page 22 does not contradict the text on the card, giving instead just a specification on the Hacan abitility itself.
Gildor1503 said:
I think page 22 does not contradict the text on the card, giving instead just a specification on the Hacan abitility itself.
I'm not sure what you are aiming at saying with this, however both your friends and dypaca got it right.
Using the Hacan ability to move units around on the board is instead of deploying and thus an option you barred yourself from using by already having used your deployement to move units from your reserves to the board. The crucial word in the passage dypaca quoted from page 22 of the rulebook is "instead" (of deploying).