List of Fan made careers

By chriscdoa, in WFRP House Rules

Is there a list anywhere of fan-made careers?

I have found the awesome high elf stuff and some norse ones.

Is there a central list or location for fan made stuff? 40k has one.

Also, anyone know of careers for wood elves, brets, other humans,and non good races like skaven?

Thanks. Seems like a lot of good stuff out there, but hard to find it.

Try RPGgeek. You can probably find a list there. Otherwise here's what we've got:

Yepsnope's dwarf and elf products

The Dark Elf thread

RPGgeek's stuff

Liber fanatica 7-9

If you make a list, let us know and be sure to cross-post it as a FILE to the permanent repository of files at RPGgeek.



In my signature you will find my elf and dwarf thing and the link The Dark Side will show you three new careers to give continuity to the Witch ->Warlock path.

I know I have to upload it in RPGGeek…… but I amb trying to rebuild the part regarding the Curse of Khaine inthe book of the Asur. What we have play tested so far lacks the feeling I want to give it.

I promise I will upload the Dark Side and the Dwarfs this weekend.



My rules can offcourse be found from my site. See Northmen document and career package for WFRP3. Some of the "northmen" careers are universal (not just for them):

Kalevala Hammer

There is various other new WFRP3 cards/rules too…