Idea for American Invasion Campaign

By xBeakeRx, in Dust Tactics

Plenty of possibilities, i dont know if i would pay for the buildings you linked, $10 isnt aload but it easily mounts upto $30+ which would be $30 id rather spend on more minis. Im from the uk and the dust tactics building are around £20 ($30) for a 3 floor building youcan move troops in and out of. Plus with a little know how those buildings are easy to make in photoshop and then your makingbuildings specifically to suit your own scenario.

I've been thinking more about russian themed scenarios in large city areas. My current strain of thought is having two three story buildings inthe center and a few smaller around. Deffenders (russians) deploy on one side, attackers on the other and on thr middle sides deffenders can deploy troop transport helicopters. The rules would be that helicopters would have to move to one of the 2 towers and evacuate units from the roof and retern back to either of the helicopter specifucdeploy zones to evacuate the unit to score double the squads cost in vp. Helicopters can in next round redeploy and go infor another run. Even if the helicopter is destroyed it can be broughtback at the specificdeploy zone next round. As f9rthe attack ive not fleshed out ideas for there conditions or weather we`d play the scenario twice swapind sides and who ever scores most as the deffender wins.

Any way thats my 2 cents

Well, I don't have photoshop or the time to sit down and create pdf's of that quality, so I'd be more inclined to just purchase a few of the building blocks and do it that way. I just like the pulp/gangster style of the buildings and they work with the time period to an extent. This would be more for a Dust Warfare scenario, but depending on the size of the building they could work for Tactics as well.

My only question is what is the scale, DT is true 1:48 where as most 28mm stuff can be as small as 1:56 which is tiny when compared to DT stuff.

So you should contact the folks that make them and confirm their scale, and if they're too small if they can be printed larger.

Otherwise they look pretty nice for the price.

Sweet! What ever works for you ^^. Be sure to post any progress up here. My imac just died and i finaly got round toripping thehd out. Trust me those imacs are a pain to get into. I might actually have ago at designing some pdf buildings when i get the imac up and running again.

Miah999 said:

My only question is what is the scale, DT is true 1:48 where as most 28mm stuff can be as small as 1:56 which is tiny when compared to DT stuff.

So you should contact the folks that make them and confirm their scale, and if they're too small if they can be printed larger.

Otherwise they look pretty nice for the price.

Yeah, I'll definitely contact them before purchasing anything. I hope they're good scale because I really like the style of those buildings, it would fit well into a Tactics American invasion campaign.

I'm really into the idea of an American invasion. I want to create a rustic rural American battlezone table. I would love to exchange ideas/recources.

I don't have any experience with printed paperstruct buildings.

So far I have made a bombed out big red barn, and a shot up 1940's truck terrain. I would love to do some damaged war recruitment propaganda billboards!

Zissou said:

I'm really into the idea of an American invasion. I want to create a rustic rural American battlezone table. I would love to exchange ideas/recources.

I don't have any experience with printed paperstruct buildings.

So far I have made a bombed out big red barn, and a shot up 1940's truck terrain. I would love to do some damaged war recruitment propaganda billboards!

That sounds like a great idea Zissou! Billboards shouldn't be too tough, I'm thinking you could easily make those with some balsa wood posts and foam board for the billboard. Then all you have to do is print out some war recruitment propaganda to the scale of your billboard.

I like the paperstruct buildings because they're cheap and fairly easy to construct, although they do take time to cut out and fold, plus they aren't as sturdy as regular terrain. For me the price is the biggest reason to do the paperstruct, plus it saves you the time of painting the model since you just print them in color.

What did you use for your truck terrain?



Those look great Zissou

This is a concept expansion I put up on Facebook recently.


I also have a vision of some watercolor artwork of a couple at a romantic picnic in the park or woods, startled and fleeing from a Luther crashing through the trees. And in the far distance more walkers being airdropped in the sky.

I really like the idea of campaigns.

Perhaps after the currently running Siege of Zverograd Worldwide Campaign, the next one can be Operation Trident.


Zissou said:

This is a concept expansion I put up on Facebook recently.


I also have a vision of some watercolor artwork of a couple at a romantic picnic in the park or woods, startled and fleeing from a Luther crashing through the trees. And in the far distance more walkers being airdropped in the sky.

That sounds both terrifying and amazing at the same time.

That looks very interesting!