Updated to include the new cycle
Unofficial Card Lists
Wow! This is really great work. Thanks.
Thank you for these lists. I have been looking for what objective sets where in the deluxe expansions for a while and they don't list it on product page like they do the packs for the cycles.
Updated with Evasive Maneuvers!
Took me a long time to get this update but it's finally done!
I just registered to say thanks for this. These lists are fantastic and exactly what I was looking for.
These are great! But, for some reason I can't download the Imperial Entanglements list.
These are absolutely amazing. Mad props to you, sir!
Very nice lists! Can we expect any updates soon?
I love having these lists in my card binders. Any chance we'll get an update soon?
Like many others I would love to see these lists for the newer sets released. Hopefully when life and time allow we shall see them again. Thank you for all your great work!!
Edited by KaronIs there a more complete list anywhere else?
Cardgamedb has complete card collection.
On 12/20/2016 at 1:20 PM, Toqtamish said:Cardgamedb has complete card collection.
Does CardGameDB have a list like this that I can print out and put in my binders?
So, given the length of time that has gone by since these lists were updated, I took it upon myself to recreate what the O.P. had done, tweak it a little bit, and update it to include the latest force packs. Here is the list for the Smugglers and Spies faction. If you like it, I can make similar lists for the other factions.
Any thoughts or suggestions before I do?