A few years back one of our playerseither made or found a one-page refernece sheet that contains the quick basics for Arkham Horror. This wasn't as in-depth as what is on the back of the rules book, so it has been really nice to use. It mostly contains a chart relating the number of players to the Monster Limit/Outskirts and # of Gates, the colors of monsters, their special abilities, and several other items. Unfortunately, its only based around the main game, so it doesn't include anything from any of the expansions. I've done some checking for similar sheets (including a nice, in-depth one at www.headlesshollow.com ), but nothing that fits on one page. Anyone create something of their own?
One-page refence sheet?
I have found this series of flow charts from Boardgamegeek.com to be invaluable:
It speeds things up quite a bit... especially when you are playing with new players.
Thanks for the information.
Robotman2000 said:
I have found this series of flow charts from Boardgamegeek.com to be invaluable:
It speeds things up quite a bit... especially when you are playing with new players.
The flow charts are an awesome tool.
i actually recommedn version 1 if you are playing JUST the base game and learning for the first time. Version 2 contains ALL the expansions and coule be confucing/overwhelming to first time palyers. This is what allowed me to learn the game.
Here are the clickable links:
Version 1: www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/23313
Version 2: www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/23314