Low Res or High Res for Printing

By Tlalchitonatiuh, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I was curious as to peoples experiences. i'm going to be printing out (via Staples) both of the additional characters and the adventure Long Arm of the Hutt. I know on the computer they look markedly different, but how does each hold up to printing? any real difference there?

Tlalchitonatiuh said:

I was curious as to peoples experiences. i'm going to be printing out (via Staples) both of the additional characters and the adventure Long Arm of the Hutt. I know on the computer they look markedly different, but how does each hold up to printing? any real difference there?

I've printed things out on my printer at home just like normal and it was fine for the game. If you are going to Staples, might as well get the best you can.

i would go high rez especially if it is a good printer.

Depends on cost. High resolution uses more ink. Wrerever you get it done, I'd absolutely say low-resolution for the huge adventure; that's just fine for it. The character folios are just eight facings each, so high-res is reasonable for them.

i had mine printed at a local graphic design place and they didnt rescale the long arm of the hutt to 8.5x11 for some reason the default size for that file is ever so slightly smaller, if you want them to look just like the begginer game pages be sure to remind them to go full page with it. and as always use the highest resoluton possible.

By "full page" do you mean no white on the edges? Printers can't do that very often, so what happens is they print 8.5 x 11 on a bigger sheet and then trim the edges. That's what I did and it works great, though I only did three pages for what I needed to do. I'm totally okay with the lack of full bleed for the GM portion.

I printed out the Long arm of the Hut low res and the two folio hi res PDFs today on a normal work printer (while everyone else was gone to lunch) in black and white. Just had a look to see if much difference and there is barely any noticable difference, if I did not now they were printed from different resolutions I would never have noticed. Unfortunatly the work printer needs a password to print in colour to cut down on costs.