hi all
im new to the forums and to DT, i ordered the revised core set and received it yesterday…after having to go all day at work thinking about what was in the box i simply COULDNT wait to get it out and start playing. So after dinner me and the gf played our first game (well not quite a game we only used 1 walker and 1 squad each with only like a 1/4 of the map to get used to the game) i would like to say HOLY STARSHIPS this game is awesome. At this point i should point out that i tried getting the gf into other wargames (WM) but she found them way to complicated…and even my gf enjoyed it. SO to all those out there thinking of getting this game but arent sure i was in the same boat as you a week ago and now i know i couldnt of made a better decision.
im looking forward to playing this game and hopefully joing the DT community