A Standard Door Question

By Doomer2, in DungeonQuest

Hi All

I am probably overlooking the obvious interpretation of this but I just needed clarification.

If I enter into a Dead End room through a door and perform 2 searches that don't yield Secret Doors, am I killed or do I have the option of taking Door cards on my turns to try to open it? I suppose the same question would apply if it was a Portcullis too.

Thanks in advance


Dead end with a door is NOT a dead end that will kill you if you fail to find an exit with 2 Searches. Dead end killer is something like a Rotating Room that after turning has the opening to a blocked direction. Room with a door (a single entrance/exit) could be a dead end if you moved into it from a corridor and then got the corridors turned event, which leaves a wall behind the door. But most of the time, room with a door/portcullis, you can Search twice and then start working your way back.

Many thanks for the clarification Dam.