Some doubts about Take Aim

By Alexander Vulfhart, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

Hi everyone! Me and my mates of the SSDT from Argentina, got some doubts about the take aim ability.

Can I use it in an indirect artillery attack? The indirect artillery is considered a sustained attack, but don´t reroll the dices. So, I take that the Take Aim can´t be used, right?

Another question about it, is…the take aim is Shared, and pilot…Can I use it with a infantry unit if I put nikolai with them?

I´m looking forward to your answers! Thanks!

Alex I think you forgot the main question.


Karl Marx-class tanks have tesla weaponry. It says that whenever you hit a unit, you can hit a second unit au 6".


And Nikola has the Take Aim skill.

Does that mean that Nikolai on a Karl Marx can fire sustained at 2 units (as of the Tesla rule) and hitting on blanks? That would be AWESOME! For russians, of course :P Please can someone clarify this? Thanks!

No, you exchange the reroll to activate either ability, take aim or the second target, you can't do both.

So I´ll sum it up here:

1- Can Take Aim be used with an artillery attack?

2- Since Take Aim is shared, can it be used with a infantry unit?

3- A Karl Marx-Class tank can fire its Tesla main weapon to a unit, and then to another unit at 6" from the primary target. Can Take Aim be used in this case, so that the Karl Marx hits 2 units with MISS dice?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! Sorry Dakkon246 but your answer didn´t clarify anything for me, thanks nonetheless.

So I´ll sum it up here:

1- Can Take Aim be used with an artillery attack?

2- Since Take Aim is shared, can it be used with a infantry unit?

3- A Karl Marx-Class tank can fire its Tesla main weapon to a unit, and then to another unit at 6" from the primary target. Can Take Aim be used in this case, so that the Karl Marx hits 2 units with MISS dice?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! Sorry Dakkon246 but your answer didn´t clarify anything for me, thanks nonetheless.

1. Only when fired directly, not with an indirect attack (using a spotter for LOS).

2. Not sure, the ability was errated to Pilot: Take aim. Not sure if it is still shared. I would go with yes though its more fun that way.

3. No, the re-roll is the cost paid to make the second attack.

Thanks! that helps a lot!