Babylon 5 LCG

By Spike1382, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

While Game of Thrones captures some aspects of the old Babylon 5 card game, it doesn't quite reach the same levels of political intrigue. Would love to see the game revived, even if it had to be re-themed.

As much as I LOVE B5, it has been a long time since the show was on the air so I just don't see it having a huge draw as B5 so it would likely be re-themed.

I Would Buy It!

JMS did announce an intent for a B5 movie, so this may not be so far-fetched. Alternately, retheme it for TI universe.

Edited by blackthorne1978

Old thread - but I second it.

Huge B5 fan. Would be very interested in an LCG, or deck-building, or even a combination dice/card game treatment.

In particular I think it would make an excellent cooperative game, of any sort. The players would be the crew and allies of the B5 station, and their objective would be to convince, coerce, or browbeat the various intergalactic powers into signing peace treaties with each other. These opposing powers could be represented by a randomly revealed deck of bad guy cards and effects like in LotR LCG, or some other mechanic that delivers challenges to the players.

I can definitely see it being a tough sell. It's an obscure property compared to many that FFG runs, and is there room for a second cooperative LCG without fracturing the LotR player base?

For me, I love the LotR LCG. And I do think there's room for another co-op product, particularly if they can come up with a unique variation on the "A.I." for the bad guys and NPCs.