Suggestion: Quest requirements top-page

By jdanish, in Descent Quest Vault Open Beta

This is a really cool feature, and I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to more: designing a quest or downloading loads of quests from other folks. However, I have one suggestion on the pdfs that are generated. What I like to do, and I assume this is quite common, is to find the cool quests and then download them and either keep them on my hard drive until I play them, or print them out. For that use case, it'd be really handy if the special requirements for the quest were somehow printed on the actual pdf. In the example of the 2 quests that were pre-loaded in the system, this would mean the icons for which sets are needed, and the text indicating that these would work well for Act II or whatnot. Maybe it's just because I'm still new to Descent, but I can't yet tell at a glance how advanced a given quest is, so having this printed would be awesome. Thanks!!

Otherwise, you can store the different quests in specific folders on your hard drive (basic only, basic + CK, basic + CK + LoW) or simply rename them with additional info in the file nameā€¦

That's what I'm doing for now, but it seems like it'd be really helpful to have cover-sheets that include any nuanced detais that folks seem to be developingā€¦ Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm not opposed to this top-sheet idea, though personally I'd be happy just with the ability to filter and sort by which expansion(s) are required on the website itself.