Trooper deck, Imperial Navy

By timelapse2, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Hi all this is my first attempt at building a deck, for a navy deck i focused on trooper cards and force icons (a limited resorce in this deck)


26 Imperial Command x2 (mainly added for + 3 resorces, 4 heavy stormtroopers and orbital bombardment x2)

28 The Ultimate power x2 (mainly added for storm troop elite x 2, Tarkin both an intresting card to have in play and force, and superlaser blast)

29 Death and despayre x2 (mainly added for the 2 enhancements and the devastators high force of 3 and a helpful fate card)

32 Take Them Prisoner x2 (mainly added for 4 trooper cards and 2 tooper assault cards)

Corporate Explotation x1 (mainly added for 5 trooper cards)

Reconnaissance missions x1 (mainly added for fate cards)

So the deck uses allot of trooper cards mixed with allot of resorce adding cards. I am not sure how it will play but I like the feel of the deck on paper. What do you guys think and how do you think it will fair in edge battles considering the jedi decks ability to drop heavy hitters left and right in edge battles?

Cheers and thanks for the help,


If you look at the thread that I posted, I have the same list.

It works great actually! Those heavy hitters can still only attack or defend 1 objective. And with troopers you have swarm.. so they kill your Espo trooper.. so sad, then you attack the other two they can't defend. They do have some cheap jedi or vehicles here and there, but ultimately their money sinks will slow them long enough for you to win.

Beware of A New Hope, Shii-Cho Training, heavy Tactics damage, Admiral Ackbar, and Heavy Blaster Emplacements.