Why no miniatures?

By Luftwaffe Flak, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

ced1106 said:

Luftwaffe Flak said:

It seems wierd I guess that Descent and all of its expansions have new figures but they arent too expensive for the quality you get. Does Arkham Horror have many more pieces than Descent: Journeys in the Dark?

Y'know, it *is* interesting that no one complains about Descent having "too many" miniatures. happy.gif It's comparing apples to oranges, but the base game for Descent is now $90, while the base game for Arkham Horror is $60. So you could sorta say that adding mini's to Arkham Horror could result in a 50% markup! Maybe a fairer comparison is Arkham Horror vs. Runebound, since Runebound has hero mini's, which would be analogous to investigator mini's. Runebound sells for $50 versus Arkham Horror's $60 which means... hey! I want my miniatures!
